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Live reporting by Noah Kincade
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Hearing and approval of 3 infrastructure projects and extension of WRAP program through Feb 2022

n kincade @SFtotheD
Good afternoon. I will be live-tweeting today's Great Lakes Water Authority meeting of the Board of Directors for #DetDocumenters. This will be a phone call-in meeting, and is scheduled to begin at 2pm. @media_outlier @wdet @CitizenDetroit @freep @Detour_Detroit

12:40 PM Jun 23, 2021 CDT

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If you would like to join the meeting, you can find all the info you need along with the agenda here:…
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On the docket today are public hearings and votes to approve three major infrastructure projects: the 96-inch Water Transmission Main Relocation Project, the Downriver Transmission Main Loop Project, and the Ypsilanti Pumping Station Improvements Project.
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The meeting was called to order at 2:04pm and we have a quorum. They have just moved and approved the minutes, agenda, and all of the consent items on today's agenda. We are moving on to the first of three public hearings, on the 96-inch Water Transmission Main Relocation.
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All three of the projects being discussed today are applying for funds from the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Project. Project plans must be submitted to the State by July 1 to be considered for funding.
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They are beginning their first presentation, which can be downloaded in full here:…
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This is a partial relocation on a 96-inch transmission main which in total stretches 32 miles and serves over 1M people. The area of partial relocation is in Shelby Township.
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Project Overview and Schematic:
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They considered 11 plan alternatives total, and the final four are detailed here. Ultimately, they chose alternative 10 as their best plan.
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The first question being posed to the Board: Is there a section of the main which is failing? Answer: that section of the main transverses a now-closed landfill, so the project is to avoid the potential of a leak where water could become contaminated by the surrounding soil.
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With no other questions, they opened up to public comments but there were none. They have moved on to the second public hearing, on the Downriver Transmission Main Loop Project. The presentation may be downloaded here:…
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The main thrust of this project is to prevent the threat of a break along Allen road, which would cut of water to many communities downriver.
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The overall project contains 6 project areas:
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Inkster Transmission Main Loop:
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North Allen Parallel Main:
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South Allen Parallel Main:
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Dixie Highway Parallel Main:
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Trenton Meter Upgrades:
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And finally, the Electric Avenue Pump Station Reservoir Demolition:
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Project Costs and Scheduling is being presented.
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Question from the Board about the term "Micro Bore" mentioned in the presentation. The answer is that they plan to use a smaller boring machine to accomplish the project. It's less disruptive to the surrounding areas.
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The Board is discussing potential endangered and threatened species that might be encountered. They have identified several species and are working with other state and federal agencies to protect them during construction.
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They've offered time for the public to make comment, but there were none. With that this public hearing is closed, and they are beginning the final hearing on the Ypsilanti Pumping Station Project. The presentation may be downloaded here:…
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There was an assessment made of the pumps used at this station, and it was determined they have reached the end of their useful lives. Project overview:
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The project area stretches between Willow Run Airport and Detroit Metro Airport:
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With no questions by the Board or the public, this hearing is now closed, and they have moved on to general public comments on any matters before the GLWA. They received no written comments, and no one spoke up with any public comments. They have moved on to resolutions.
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Resolution A to approve the 96-inch Water Transmission Main Relocation Project was approved unanimously.
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Resolution B to approve the Downriver Transmission Main Loop Project was also unanimously approved.
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Resolution C to approve the Ypsilanti Pumping Station Improvements Project was unanimously approved as well.
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Resolutions D and E concern the issuance and sale of bonds to fund projects previously approved by the Board. (D) is for Water Supply System Revenue Bonds not to exceed $128M. (E) is for Sewage Disposal System Revenue Bonds not to exceed $30M.
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Resolutions D and E were both approved with no opposition. The board is now discussing Resolution F, to make amendments to the contract with Wayne Metro for Wrap Program Administration.
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The current contract expires June 30, and they are considering this new arrangement as WRAP 2.0. This will extend the contract until Feb 28, 2022. You may download the entire presentation by clicking this link:…
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WRAP 2.0 Objectives and Contract Overview:
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WRAP 2.0 Contract Changes and Organizational Structure:
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Most of the changes being discussed are to the Administrative Fee Structure. They've been clear that no one enrolled in the WRAP program will be getting any less assistance than they are currently receiving.
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A question was posed as to whether this will affect Genesee County, and it was answered that it will not. These administrative cost changes would only affect Wayne Metro, which processes the WRAP accounts and enrollees for Genesee County.
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It was clarified that the total administrative costs for Wayne Metro's WRAP administration are capped at $600,000 per year, as they have been for the last two fiscal years. That cap hasn't changed.
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A motion was made to approve the WRAP contract extension through the end of Feb, 2022. It was approved unanimously.
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It was noted that Director Walker-Griffea had another engagement and has left the meeting.
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Resolution G on proposed FY 2021 Fourth Quarter Budget Amendments was approved.
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Resolution H is an Amendment to DTE Letter Agreement regarding a Third Electrical Feed to a GLWA wastewater facility. They already have 2 feeds, and this third will supply power when they experience an outage on one of the other two feeds. With no questions, it was approved.
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Resolution I concerns Efforts to Rehabilitate and optimize the functions of the Detroit River Interceptor, a critical part of the wastewater system in Detroit.
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"The purpose of the DRI was to bring most of the Detroit’s sewage to a common point to prevent newly constructed sewers from discharging directly into the river."…
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A motion was made to approve the resolution, and was supported. Resolution I passed without any opposition.
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Item J on the agenda is an update on the potential reconstitution of the Board of Directors and whether they will continue meeting virtually, and for how long. They believe the Board should continue meeting virtually at least through the end of July. The situation is evolving.
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If the Board goes back to meeting in person, the location would have to be determined. Masks would still be required as well as covid test results. They are working on acquiring technology to resume in a hybrid mode so some attendees can meet remotely/virtually.
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It was just stated that there are 63 people total in this meeting, and NONE of them are members of the public. Ummm..... HELLO!?? I'm RIGHT. HERE. 🧐
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Perhaps if they allowed us to join their passcode-protected Zoom meeting instead of forcing the public to listen in on their phone, they'd remember that we are here in this meeting. For the record, I asked twice about getting a passcode and both emails were ignored.
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The final item of new business, Item K, is regarding Continued Delegation of Additional Authority to CEO During Covid-19 Emergency. It would extend that delegation through September 30, 2021. The motion to approve this was passed unanimously.
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A board member just asked whether the Authority was fully staffed in preparation for 5 inches of rain over the next 5 days. It was confirmed that they are fully staffed and prepared.
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With no reports or remarks from the Board, we have moved along to the CEO's report. The report is lengthy, and may be downloaded in full with this link:…
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Given that we're going on 3 hours of meeting, CEO Sue F. McCormick is skimming through this report, and has opened the floor to questions. There were no questions, so it was moved and supported to receive and file her report.
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The Board is now preparing to enter a Closed Session for the purpose of discussing Attorney Client Communication. I will be staying on as the agenda indicates there may be further items of New Business when they return.
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They've just returned to Open Session, and they've pushed item 14 B, a second Closed Session on to next month's agenda. It's been a long afternoon, so they moved to adjourn at 5:20pm. The next meeting of the GLWA Board of Directors is on July 28, 2021 at 2pm.
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