Board of Education
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Edited and summarized by the Chicago - IL Documenters Team
Staff vaccination, School reopening, Remote learning demands, Charter renewal
Staff vaccination, School reopening, Remote learning demands, Charter renewal
10:28 AM Feb 24, 2021 CST
More on Austin Harvest here….
She directs folks to check the ever-updating calendar at
Current SQRP can be found here…
She notes that Interim Rule 6.4 will allow for the formal requirement and tracking of vaccinations of CPS staff.
Currently, CPS offers exclusive vaccination sites for staff
"It was a textbook description of an impossible negotiation." is how he describes the latest negotiation efforts between CPS and CTU
Says CTU felt "ignored" until threat of a strike
He says that at the heart of negotiations and conversations, there needs to be "trust", which he says is currently not there between CPS and CTU
Says he learned of this policy via the press, not from CPS.
Says that CPS website is misleading on the science to back up a return to in person-learning.
He ends his statement with hopes that they can continue these discussions and they CPS is open to teacher's needs and concerns.
Says they are not qualified to make decisions regarding public safety. Believes there should be a stronger process for vetting Charter School Operators
Says schools cannot implement proper mitigation efforts with the staff they currently have.
Learn more about CPS current Principal Eligibility criteria is here…
Joseph Williams, the parent of 5 CPS students, says he has felt totally voiceless in CPS decision to reopen.
Says trust, learning, and care is lacking.
He asks for microgrants to support families who balance working while having school-age children
Proposal to close 3 North Lawndale schools and open a new one put on hold, CPS says…
Deep-Seated Mistrust In CPS Is Keeping Some Families From Choosing In-Person Learning…
CPS Parent Group Says Kids Learning From Home Need More Support From District…
She says students like her son rely on the support of City Year employees to keep them on track.
She represents parents who chose to stay home during even in the midst of reopening talks.
She speaks on the falling behind of students due to the lack of preparation and refinement of the remote learning instruction by CPS.
Says Operators are more than prepared to make these decisions
Condemns "zero risk tolerance rhetoric".
He condemns the lack of solidarity between CPS and CTU and CPS families.
He says there will always be challenges, but lack of willingness to cooperate causes more problems.…
Says that it is a gross oversight and is inconsiderate of Jewish students.
Says his family is concerned with the lack of a plan for students to return for 5 full days in the Fall.
He says teachers should trust science over their own fear.
Asks where the safety net is? Says students are feeling hopeless and unmotivated to learn online
Black History is an important curriculum that needs to be taught in CPS schools.
He also highlights that Black LGBTQ need to be taught as well.
"Black history should be a 365 effort"…
Academic, Financial, and Operational Performance will be taken into consideration for renewals
Data is consistently monitored, updated, and shared.…
Student discipline
Diverse learners
Teacher licensure
Student safety
Facilities and ADA
Says that families of K-8, Black and Brown, are of the highest need to return to in-person.
37,000 K-5th grade return March 2
18,000 6-8th grade return March 8
Overall, grades in reading are a cause for concern across the board.
A partnership with Walgreens and the Chicago Dept of Public Health has been reached in order to help distribute vaccines to CPS staff and families
In-Person and Remote Learning Guides…
14,955 CPS employees have been offered the vaccine.
The immediate need is tracking vaccinations, and as of now, they cannot mandate vaccines for any CPS staff or support.
Says that student input is highly valued, and they can share and their is a plan to allow space for their voice to be heard.
The priority is in investing in a place for in-person and hybrid learning
The idea is to create an infrastructure that CPS will use for years to come
"We will not reduce instruction time for remote learning. We just won't agree to that ... We do have to think about using that time wisely."
Agency Information
Chicago Public Schools
The Chicago Board of Education is charged with governing the Chicago Public Schools (CPS), setting policies, governing operations, and charting the direction of current and future programs.
A list of board members (with headshots) is here. Board members are currently appointed by the mayor. In 2021, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker signed a bill into law that will gradually transition to a 21-member elected school board over the course of 2024-2027.
A list of CPS executive leadership is here.