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Live reporting by William Garcia
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Bill Garcia @BillGDocumenter
Hi, I’ll be live-tweeting this morning's
Chicago Plan Commission (Department of Planning and Development) meeting for @CHIdocumenters #CHIdocumenters

09:34 AM May 8, 2020 CDT

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Today's virtually-held meeting is scheduled for 10:00am. The live stream will be available here:…
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An agenda is available on the Chicago Department of Planning and Development's (DPD) website:…
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The Chicago Plan Commission is responsible for the review of proposals that involve Planned Developments (PDs), the Lakefront Protection Ordinance, Planned Manufacturing Districts (PMDs), Industrial Corridors and Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Districts.
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Established in 1909, the commission has 23 members, including mayoral appointees made with City Council consent. More information is available on the DPD website:…
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Here's a handy map showing the locations of the various proposals and projects to be discussed this morning (PDF):…
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Today's virtual meeting of the Chicago Plan Commission will include the proposed applications and/or amendments that were postponed from previously scheduled hearings on March 19, 2020, April 16, 2020, April 23, 2020, and April 30, 2020.
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Quick note: the agenda page contains links to application/amendment material, presentations, and reports for each of today's discussion items:…
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Teresa Córdova calls the meeting to order at 10:02am. Chair Córdova reminds attendees that the meeting is being recorded and live streamed.
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Roll is called.

The meeting minutes from 2/21/2020 are approved by the committee.
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The committee begins with 4100-4230 W. Ann Lurie Place / 4044-4210 S. Karlov Ave. The applicant is proposing to rezone the subject property from M2-3 (Light Industry District) to Industrial-Institutional Planned Development.
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The committee approves the request to defer discussion. The Chicago Food Depository requested deferral due to their current workload.
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Public comment: Butler Adams calls for rebuilding the Woodlawn area and notes the population loss in the area. Mr. Adams wants to see more density, affordable housing, and greater architecture in Woodlawn. Adams voices his support for the Woodlawn Plan Consolidation Report
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The committee moves to discussion of the Woodlawn Plan Consolidation Report (PDF):…
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Nolan Zaroff presents the Woodlawn report and voices his support for approval of the report.
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Woodlawn's population is down 3% from 2010.
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Zaroff notes that some projects from past proposals have already been implemented. Past proposals have engaged with the community. The need is to better consolidate all the proposals for Woodlawn.
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The report highlights 63rd street as a business corridor and community center.
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Zaroff notes the need to maintain the existing character of Woodlawn while improving the neighborhood. Community engagement is important.
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Alderman Hairston notes that the Woodlawn report covers her ward and Alderman Taylor's. Hairston voices her concern that Taylor is not present at this meeting. Hairston asked if Zaroff called Alderman Taylor regarding this meeting (No). Majority of report is in Taylor's ward.
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Committee notes that an email regarding this meeting/report was sent to Alderman Taylor's staff. Chair Cordova would like her staff to reach out via phone if alderman staff do not respond to emails.
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Maurice Cox notes Taylor is aware of this proposal but has not yet officially voiced her complete support. Cox: Taylor was aware that this proposal is up for discussion.
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Ald. Osterman notes he just spoke with Ald. Taylor. DPD staff will work with Taylor to get her on the call.
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Alderman Taylor has joined the call. She says she does not support the current proposal. Taylor wants more engagement with her constituents.
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Commissioner Cox: The Woodlawn proposal is advisory.

Taylor: I don't see what the rush is.

Taylor says the proposal seems rushed and wants more discussion with the community.
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Chair Cordova notes her concern that the Woodlawn proposal does not discuss Woodlawn residents' voiced concerns over possible displacement due to development.
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Alderman Taylor appreciates DPD's hard work on the Woodlawn proposals but fears gentrification in Woodlawn if the plan is rushed. Before jumping to another call, Taylor voices her desire for more community engagement.
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Taylor will meet with her community before resuming discussion of the Woodlawn proposal with DPD. Commissioner Cox says DPD will help Taylor organize a meeting with the community before the next DPD meeting on 5/21.

DPD has approved deferring discussion of the Woodlawn plan.
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Next: 3246-3360 N. Campbell Ave./2500-2546 W. Melrose St./ 3237-3429 N. Rockwell St.
(North Center, 47th Ward)

Presentation (PDF):…
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DPD has recommended approval of the proposal. Commissioners have voiced their support for the project.
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DPD commissioners have approved the proposal.
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Chairman's update:
- Cordova: DPD has been collecting ideas for expanding public input. More info to come in June meeting. DPD has received great input from the public.
- Cox: Neighborhood planning department created 7 regional districts across city, 10 more planners hired
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Cox: DPD making commitment to people all around city and providing access to city planning resources and engaging with residents regarding what they want in terms of planning improvements. Highlights accountability, so that residents know who their local city planners are.
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Ald. Villegas asks commissioners where is the investment in Latino community, noting impact Latinos have felt from COVID-19. Cox says he was disappointed that they have not received much response from Latino city planners when calling for more applicants but DPD continuing work.
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Cox: Four city planner positions still available. Villegas says he will reach out to his community regarding these opportunities.
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Ald. Burnett notes lack of African American city planner representation for west side district. Cox notes an African American planner from the south side of Chicago has chosen to join the west side district. Cox commits to continue work to engage with Latino planners.
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Cox notes that many architects and planners have been laid off from private firms due to COVID-19. This may be an opportunity for them to apply for work in the public sector.
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This concludes the March 19th agenda. Commissioners approve adjournment at 12:34pm.

Now we move on to the April 16th agenda.
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Roll is called for April 16th meeting.
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Some of the alderman are in currently in between this meeting and a conference call with the mayor regarding COVID-19.
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Public comment: Butler Adams supports proposed project near Tribune Tower. Wants new plaza to be called DuSable Plaza at Pioneer Court. Proposal will result in second tallest building in Chicago. Adams wants new building to achieve record of tallest building.
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Next: 113 E. Oak St. (Near North Side, 42nd Ward). Applicant is proposing to construct a new two-story commercial building generally located at 113 E. Oak Street and within the Private-Use Zone of the Lake Michigan and Chicago Lakefront Protection District.
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Presentation regarding 113 E. Oak St. (PDF):…
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DPD has found the proposed plan is in compliance with lakefront protection policies.
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Alderman Reilly has provided a letter of support for this project.
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DPD commissioners have approved the proposed project for 113 E. Oak St.
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Next 421-451 N. Michigan Ave. (Near North Side, 42nd Ward). The applicant is renovating the existing building on the western portion of the site and intends to develop the eastern portion of the site with a mixed-use building 1,442 ft. in height.
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Project presentation (PDF):…
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If the Tribune East Tower project is approved, the new building will be the second tallest building in Chicago, falling just 30 feet short of the Sears (Willis) Tower.

Nov. 2019 article:…
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Gordon Gill: Height of the building was never a driving factor of this project.
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Only 11 of 400+ rental units in Tribune East Tower will be affordable housing.
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Chair Cordova voices her desire for a Native American land acknowledgement at Pioneer Court in its redesign for Tribune East Tower.
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The Department of Planning and Development has approved the Tribune East Tower project. Chicago will have a new second-tallest building.
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Next: 320 S. Canal St. (Near West Side, 42nd Ward). Applicant is proposing an amendment to Business Planned Development 376, submitted by South Canal Titleholder, LLC. Presentation (PDF):…
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DPD commissioners have approved the proposed amendment for 320 S. Canal St.
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This completes the public hearing portion of the agenda.
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Chair Cordova expresses her gratitude to her staff, meeting participants, and city/state leadership for all their work preparing for and implementing today's meeting.
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The meeting has been adjourned as of 3:01pm. The live stream cut off immediately after.
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This concludes my coverage for @CHIdocumenters #CHIDocumenters

Please see the Department of Planning and Development website for more information. Reply to this thread or DM me with any questions.