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Live reporting by Nicholas Ventura
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Public commenters and attendees call for a ceasefire in Gaza

Nick Ventura @Nick_Ventura11
Hi #Cleveland, I'll be live-tweeting today Cleveland City Council meeting scheduled to start today, February 5th, 2024, at 7. #CLEdocumenters #signalcleveland #clevelandcitycouncil @CLEdocumenters & @signalcleveland

07:23 PM Feb 5, 2024 CST

Nick Ventura @Nick_Ventura11 2/12
Councilman Bishop was needed to start the city council meeting. The meeting officially came to order at 7:03 p.m. Councilman Blaine reacclimated everyone to start with the rules. @Griff4CLE6
Nick Ventura @Nick_Ventura11 3/12
Cleveland City Council is the legislative branch of the government of the City of Cleveland in Ohio. In this meeting, residents may address council with public comments, and council typically introduces legislation and votes on legislation.
Nick Ventura @Nick_Ventura11 4/12
The agenda can be found here; . You can live stream it on You tube at this link;……
Nick Ventura @Nick_Ventura11 5/12
Public comment was first. Many information was spoken about, but the focus was mainly on 2023 Palestinian ceasefire resolution in Cleveland. Gaza was also spoken about, the death toll, and all of the other cities that are passing resolutions, besides Cleveland.
Nick Ventura @Nick_Ventura11 6/12
Last week, Councilman Griffin said, “After talking with many of my colleagues, Cleveland City Council does not feel we are in a position to issue a fair and unbiased ceasefire resolution." Many of the public comment was towards Blaine's comments.
Nick Ventura @Nick_Ventura11 7/12
This is the 12th week the Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM) has been in city council and asking for a ceasefire. Judging by the amount of people, they are all mad at councilman Griffin and his comments.
Nick Ventura @Nick_Ventura11 8/12
Roles were called on all of the Ordinances and they were all Yays.
Nick Ventura @Nick_Ventura11 9/12
The chanting has begun regarding to Palestinian community, and it sounds like they were kicked out; as you could hear the chants slowly fade away. This was addressed by no one on the council. @CleCityCouncil
Nick Ventura @Nick_Ventura11 10/12
Thanks were given to Director Martin by Councilman Griffin. He said that they all love their jobs on the council and it was a long process.
Nick Ventura @Nick_Ventura11 11/12
This concludes the Tweeting for the Cleveland City Council meeting on Monday, February 5th, 2024. The meeting was adjourned at 8:18 p.m. #cledocumenter #signalcleveland
Nick Ventura @Nick_Ventura11 12/12
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