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Live reporting by Ayanna Rose Banks
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Utility assistance resource fair set for May 18

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Hi, I'll be tweeting May 13th's Cleveland City Council Meeting✨for #CLEdocumenters 📷@CLEdocumenters &

08:02 AM May 14, 2024 CDT

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@cledocumenters @signalcleveland You can watch this meeting at
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This meeting was attended by Blaine Griffin (council president), Joe Jones, Kevin Bishop, Kerry McCormack, Richard Starr, Stephanie Howse-Jones, Michael Polensek, Kevin Conwell, Anthony Hairston, Danny Kelly, Rebecca Maurer, Kris Harsh, Jasmin Santana, Jenny Spencer, ...
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Brian Kazy and Charles Slife
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Public Comment:
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There were 9 speakers from ward's 11, 14 and 15, buckeye woodland and Cleveland.
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Two members of the public came out to talk about Cudell park. One mentioning that they just celebrated the birthday of Frank Cudell two days earlier.
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A member of ward 11 mentioned that in 1954, the city of Cleveland wanted to build a fire station on the park and the community said no. He stated that the mayor at the time, Anthony J. Celebrezze, Said that they can't relocate the community but the can relocate the fire station
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He is asking the city to take back their resolution.
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The other member of the public was from ward 15. She quoted APA member Howard Fromkin saying parks have cardiovascular benefits, fights loneliness, combats osteoporosis, counters stress and anxiety and more w/ adverse side effects and no cost.
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She addressed the claim that they supporters of the park don't care about education by stating that Cleveland Metropolitan School District let their buildings deteriorate to disrepair and misappropriated funds which should have went to repair and maintain a safe environment.
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She suggested that the community does not need more population density, they need more resources and services for the community and residents already here, stricter building regulations for developers and more public oversight
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A member of the public from ward 14 was concerned about the vacant lots across the city. He stated that lot's are opportunities for green spaces, carbon offset, to grow food and beautification. He stressed that beautiful lots inspire beautiful neighborhoods.
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One speaker was Chairman Fahiem from New Era Cleveland. He brought 4 of his youth members to speak to the council.
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Fahiem noted that Deborah grant was not present for public comment. He extended an invitation to the council to participate in their program at the detention center. He cautioned that there has been an up tick in crime and he thinks it will only get worse.
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He wants the council to be innovative on proactive approaches to crime.
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The members of youth from New Era Cleveland explained the benefits of the program, how they have benefited from it and how unsafe they feel in their communities.
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Some of the benefits they listed were being taken on field trips to help expand their knowledge, getting to see other states, learning how to better themselves and learning to give back to their communities.
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•Condolence; Moment of Silence
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City of Euclid's police member Jacob Durin was added to condolence
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John Hay lady hornets were presented certificates for winning the Cleveland girl's senate championship, which they've won the last 6 years. They are 80 and 0 in their conference
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Pearls's (positively empowering and restoring lady's self-esteem) founder Britney Smith was given a certificate for the work their organization does. They work with the girls in their community to give them guidance and a safe space
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They gave their youth members a chance to speak and they shared that they do not feel safe. One girl mentioned someone getting shot in front of their school (Glenville Highschool) which made her feel like it's not safe to go to school.
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•Emergency Ordinances Read in Full and Passed
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•Emergency Ordinances Passed
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339-2024 AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Director of Economic Development to enter into a grant agreement with Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry, or its designee, to provide economic development assistance to partially finance the purchase of equipment ...
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, the lease or acquisition of warehouse space, and the construction of pilot houses, related to the development and implementation of an affordable housing program for low income or homeless people using 3D printing technology.
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413-2024 AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE To supplement the Codified Ordinances of Cleveland, Ohio, 1976, by enacting new Section 143.06 relating to applications for and acceptance of grants ...
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and other funding and services from any public or private entity to place fellows and interns in various City departments.
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400-2024 AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Director of Public Health to apply for and accept a grant from the Ohio Department of Health for the Title X Program; authorizing the director to charge and
accept fees; ...
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entering into one or more agreements to receive payments from Medicare, Medicaid, Medicaid HMOs, and other third-party insurers; and authorizing contracts with various entities, requirement contracts, professional services, & advertising contracts necessary to implement the grant
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Antoine Cruz president of firefighters
rev. dr. Stokes Jones from ward 1
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Senior day May 15th 10am-12:30pm at Cleveland public hall
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Cleveland Asian festival 18th and 19 Saturday and Sunday in ward 7
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Rid-All green partnership 2024 armed forces and veteran day community resource day 11am-2pm
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Center for arts and learning, inspiration through music spring 2024 music showcase at Trinity Cathedral
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Ward 12 is hosting the utility assistance resource fair May 18 9am -12pm at Cleveland Central Catholic. Every utility and housing suppliers in northeast Ohio will be there.
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Wednesday there is a federal monitor before the safety committee
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Jones stated that we need to do more for the youth and how the state of his neighborhood is why he joined the council.
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