Committee on Health and Human Relations

Chicago City Council

Chicago, IL 60602 (Directions)

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Edited and summarized by the Chicago - IL Documenters Team

Note-taking by Christian Gentry

COVID-19 positivity, COVID-19 vaccinations children 6m-5yrs, Mental health investments

Live reporting by Jennifer Guerrero

COVID-19 positivity, COVID-19 vaccinations children 6m-5yrs, Mental health investments

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Meeting is in quorum and officially begun at 2:06pm. There is a presentation by Dr. Arwady about COVID-19.

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COVID-19 Dashboard continues to be updated @

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Although positivity has raised to 10.7%, Dr. Arwady explains that they no longer use it as the main measure of risk because there is a lot more tests being done at home & tests that are done at CPS schools (currently not done bc school is not in session) that aren’t counted there

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Adding to that low risk is death cases being at .71 (less than one death per day) and low burden on healthcare systems due to COVID cases.

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In comparison to the national level statistics, the ideal number is to be below 200 cases a day, and Chicago is currently at 202. This is expected to drop within the coming weeks.

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Dr. Arwady emphasizes that more mitigations would only come if there was a stronger threat to the healthcare capacity.

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Dr. Arwady explains that if Ald. Offices want to go ahead and put out some information regarding COVID risks, they can and that it should also include more info on boosters because it is proving to be effective at keeping people out of the hospital…

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There is talk about the overcrowding at O’Hare and the loop, however Dr. Arwady explains that most Chicagoans are still remaining mindful w/ masks and that only if there is real points of threat that more mitigation efforts will be imposed.

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Adding onto the importance of vaccines, people who are unvaccinated are up to 7x more likely to die than a person who is boosted. Here are additional stats to compare:

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One point of concern is how fast the virus is mutating as transmission continues. For the most part, the most prominent strain is Omicron however there are cases in which people who were infected w/ an earlier sub variant getting reinfected w/ a newer strain of Omicron..

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However vaccines continue to provide protections against the most severe effects of COVID.

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Vaccines for under 5yrs old are here!!! Here is the diff between the two types of vaccines available for 6m-5yr olds.

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CDPH is also continuing to host vaccine clinics (targeted to kids 6m-5yrs, but everyone is welcome!) @ the following locations

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At home vaccinations are also still going on. More information here:

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Plans for the fall currently include planning flu/COVID vaccines clinics at ward offices (hopefully the timeline for the clinics will also align with boosters vaccines that account for newer sub variants) and mass-distribution at home COVID tests in case of a surge.

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Dr. Arwady is also giving a brief overview on Monkeypox. Monkeypox is spread through prolonged close contact. Main message: contact doctor & avoid close contact w/ others if symptoms occur.

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Current information about Monkeypox in Chicago. Note: Monkeypox remains an extremely RARE occurrence

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Dr. Arwady also gives a brief overview about some of the lessons learned throughout the pandemic which include central information hubs, taking care beyond traditional clinical walls, treating mental health & substance abuse as health problems

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Some of the initiatives include Community Safety Coordination Center, CDPH calling centers for COVID, lead poisoning prevention/investment, newborn nurse home visits and community based data & resource coordination.

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**there are nationwide plans to make 988 a national helpline for mental health.

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Another development is Healthy Chicago Equity Zones that divides the city into 6 zones that have primarily focused on vaccines but will shift their focus onto chronic health issues within the communities.

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Under updates on mental health investments, here are the current stats on the investments made in comparison to previous years.

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As part of mental health investments, there have been expansions into crisis prevention and response programs.

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There will be additional expansions into the CARE system that will focus on substance abuse that will be rolled out in the West sides of the city.

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The city has

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Ald. Cappleman brings in a question about people who have high numbers of rearrests & how the city is ensuring that people who need treatment are staying motivated & accept help. He brings up that people in these cases often refuse help when it is offered in various instances.

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…he also continues that as part of his previous experience as a social worker, he knows that it’s not enough for there to be evidence based help if people are not receptive to it and are not being convinced/motivated to accept it.

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Dr. Arwady explains that peer programs and follow ups to make sure people know options are still available to them have been effective.

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Ald. Cappleman also follows up with a question about how the various city organizations and intervention programs align their timelines since some programs intervene at later/earlier times.

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Dr. Arwady explains that one of the reasons that she stresses data visualizations and diff city areas is that CDPH coordinates with the various organizations and tries to see how each can change to overlap services and target areas effectively.

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Ald. Martin asked about when the data about the updated vaccines would be expected to come out.

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Dr. Arwady explains that while there is still some uncertainty about whether there will be an updated vaccine, she is hopeful and she expects that more information would come out around October.

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Ald. Martin also asks about the risks of long COVID. Dr. Arwady explains that there is clinics that specialize in long COVID in the city and that CDC has nationwide research being done. There have also been lower rates of long COVID w/ Omicron.

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There is question from Ald. Michele Smith about whether 5-12yrs old are being recommended to get boosted. Dr. Arwady explains that because the vaccines for this age group came out during a time when the strain had already begun to further evolve. It’s not that the vaccine isn’t..

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Effective. It’s that people who are recently vaccinated are getting a vaccine that is no longer as matched to the newer strains. That being said, the vaccine is still very effective against severe illness. The older someone is, the more concern about boosters at this moment..

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Therefore no boosters are currently being recommended to the 5-12yrsage group.

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Ald. Michele Smith has a follow up comment about the wasted resources that go into arresting homeless people that are not felons and who actually need help. She goes onto explain that there comes to a point when the person becomes more concerned with getting out of the system…

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Than receiving the help that they need. Transitioning someone from the criminal justice to mental health services is very difficult. Dr. Arwady is very hopeful about the partnerships that are currently underway.

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Ald. Smith also brings up a point about funding for the social programs. Dr. Arwady explains that currently funding is secured for the next 2 years, however she is hopeful that these programs get to the point where they are sufficient.

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Presentation by Dr. Arwady ended at 3:40pm and the meeting adjourned at 3:42pm.

Agency Information

Chicago City Council

The Chicago City Council is the legislative branch of the government of the City of Chicago and consists of the Mayor and Aldermen elected from each of the City’s fifty wards. Source

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Recordings of past City Council meetings may be found here:

See also: “What to Expect at a Meeting of Chicago’s City Council” via the Better Government Association.

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