Committee on Special Events, Cultural Affairs and Recreation

Chicago City Council

Chicago, IL 60602 (Directions)

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Edited and summarized by the Chicago - IL Documenters Team

Note-taking by Helena Duncan

Independent farmers markets, Italian American Culture and Heritage month

Live reporting by Megann Horstead

Independent farmers markets, Italian American Culture and Heritage month

Megann Horstead

Hello, My name is Megann Horstead and I’m a documenter for @CHIdocumenters. Tune in today at 1 p.m. for live updates from the Chicago City Council Committee on Special Events, Cultural Affairs & Recreation meeting. #CHIDocumenters

12:56 PM Jun 9, 2021 CDT

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For details about how to participate in the meeting remotely, go to

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The meeting agenda includes the following items:

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Currently, there are 11 people viewing the live stream of the meeting.

It’s 1:01 p.m. and the panel has not yet started conducting business.

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Ald. Nicholas Sposato said a quorum has been achieved.

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First up is time for members of the public to provide remarks.

The first public commenter asks the city council to vote yes on renaming DuSable Drive.

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The second public commenter urges the city council to support the renaming of Lake Shore Drive to DuSable Drive.

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Currently, there are 26 people watching the meeting’s live stream.

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That concludes the public comment section of the meeting.

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Sposato asks for questions and/or comments about the Rule 45 Report.

Subsequently thereafter, the Rule 45 Report is approved by the panel.

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Alisa Baum, program director at City Markets, is delivering a report to the panel regarding a proposed modification to the city code regulating independent farmers markets.

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Here’s a look at the proposed changes to the city code:

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Ald. Maria Hadden gives kudos to independent farmers markets for promoting food access to the public.

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Ald. Michael Rodriguez asks if there are permitting fees for those interested in setting up a booth at an independent farmers market.

Baum replied, saying there’s no fee.

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The proposal is given a due pass recommendation.

On June 23, the Chicago City Council will have the chance to weigh in on the proposed changes to the city code regulating independent farmers market.

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Next up is a discussion of a proposed designation of the month of October as “Italian American Heritage and Culture Month” in the city of Chicago.

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Ron Onesti, president of the Joint Civic Committee of Italian Americans, underscores the importance of the designation and how it could bring people together.

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Salvatore Camarda speaks in support of the designation.

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Ald. Patrick Thompson speaks highly of the designation and the previous comments shared by guest speakers, Ron Onesti and Salvatore Camarda.

Thompson is a co-sponsor of the resolution.

“To me, it’s an honor to be part of this resolution,” he said.

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Ald. Anthony Napolitano said he supports this designation.

“I do stand, rise, and support it,” he said.

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A due pass recommendation is recorded for this designation.

A motion to adjourn is entertained at 1:41 p.m. Hearing no objections from the panel, the meeting adjourns.

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This concludes all the live updates from today’s meeting of the Chicago City Council Committee on Special Events, Cultural Affairs and Recreation, brought to you by @CHIdocumenters. Check out for more information. #CHIDocumenters

Agency Information

Chicago City Council

The Chicago City Council is the legislative branch of the government of the City of Chicago and consists of the Mayor and Aldermen elected from each of the City’s fifty wards. Source

If you attend a meeting in person, be prepared to go through a security checkpoint and show photo ID.

Meetings are also livestreamed at

At this link, scroll down to “Meeting Notices.” Look for “Watch now” and click on the link with the meeting title to go to a livestream page. If you don’t see a link for the meeting, you may be early or the meeting may be starting late. Wait a few moments and try refreshing your Internet tab.

Recordings of past City Council meetings may be found here:

See also: “What to Expect at a Meeting of Chicago’s City Council” via the Better Government Association.

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