Return to Committee on Zoning, Landmarks and Building Standards
Live reporting by Tim Hogan
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Smoke alarm ordinance, The Fields, Morton Salt development, Clean Air Ordinance held, Wndr Museum rezoning

Tim Hogan @hcehogan
Good morning. I’ll be live-tweeting today's meeting of the Chicago City Council’s Committee on Zoning, Landmarks and building Standards for #ChiDocumenters @ChiDocumenters #chicagozoning

09:51 AM Feb 23, 2021 CST

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The meeting is scheduled for 10am and should begin shortly. You can live stream along with me here:…
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Chaired by @AldTomTunney , the committee is made up of 19 alderman. Chairman Tunney, 44th Ward Alderman, has begun today's meeting with the roll call.
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Tunney states that the Clean Air Ordinance will be HELD until the Zoning committee's next meeting. He says "Discussions are still occurring" on the two legislative items that pertain to the Clean Air Ordinance. #cleanairordinance @CHIdocumenters
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Marilyn May opens the public comments section of the committee. She speaks in favor of the cause of the Black Heroes collective to have Lake Shore Drive renamed for Chicago's black founder, John Baptiste Point DuSable.
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Rene Patton, a representative of an environmental coalition speaks on the Clean Air Ordinance. She says she does not support the latest proposals as she understands them. "This is a citywide issue. All alders have a duty to address disparities" of air pollution in the city.
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Citing the ongoing hunger strike, Patton says the City Council and the Mayor must reject the move of General Iron to the southeast side.…
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The public comments section concludes and Chair Tunney introduces an ordinance for a new regulation of smoke alarms in older buildings. Grant Ullrich of the department of buildings, Ald. Gilbert Villegas and Fire Commissioner Richard Ford will give more info on the ordinance.
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Grant Ullrich, speaks on the ordinance which focuses on smoke alarms in older buildings that have battery powered smoke alarms. This ordinance changes the obligation to a requirement for landlords to provide working smoke alarms in their buildings.
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Commissioner Ford says that the ordinance as it is introduced is not what the @ChicagoFireDep agreed to. Alderman Anthony Beale asks that the ordinance be held in committee and Alderman Gilbert Villegas agrees. @CHIdocumenters
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The 10 year smoke alarm ordinance is HELD in the Zoning committee for more discussion. @CHIdocumenters #smokealarmordinance
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Christine Riley Director of Homeless Prevention, Policy and Planning at City of Chicago , speaks in favor of a zoning change for the addition of housing capacity in the 4th Ward.
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In response to Ald. Sophia King, Riley says "We've housed approx. 50 women and families" with the expedited housing initiative.…
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Alds. Lopez, Osterman, King and Dowell all speak in favor of the ordinance and it PASSES. Multiple alds. mention the coming surge in need for shelter as eviction moratoriums may end without help from state or federal government.
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An ordinance allowing for larger day care centers in Planned Manufacturing Districts (PMDs) is introduced by Ald. Brian Hopkins (2nd ward). It PASSES.
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NEXT UP: 3 mayoral appointments to the Commission on Chicago Landmarks. They are Gabriel Ignacio Dziekiewicz, Alicia Ponce, Ernest C. Wong. You can find these items in an addendum to today's agenda.…
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Dziekiewicz and Wong are currently on the commission and are reappointments. Alicia Ponce is a new appointment. She describes herself as an architect who is committed to 'decarbonizing' Chicago.
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The appointments are APPROVED by the committee. Chair Tunney announces that the smoke alarm ordinance may be back on today's agenda after a discussion with Chicago Fire Commissioner Richard Ford.
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-%~Technical difficulties-%~ keep Ford from speaking and Tunney says "we have to move on". For now, ordinance...back up in SMOKE #nyuknyuk
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@aldsophiaking introduces an amendment to the municipal code to prohibit the "right" of homes in residential zones to become a museum. Says the code as written is unfair and can disrupt the community. King wants more community input in the creation of future residential museums
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A long, meandering discussion ensues with crosstalk between Alds that are both members and non-members of the Zoning committee. Two non-members of the zoning committee, Alds King and Michele Smith argue about the ordinance's impact on existing museums in residential zones.
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Vicki Craft, city attorney, is on to explain the legistlative procedure for items like the ordinance. Per the municipal code, no committee should vote on a proposed amendment without a copy of the amendment given to every committee member present.
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Chair tunney and Ald. Reilly say they do not have a copy of the substitute ordinance. Citing the need for more discussion, Tunney HOLDS ordinance in committee for next meeting.
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@aldsophiaking says "This has been a year and a half process" and that the zoning committee has had the ordinance for 6 months. "I don't see a reason to hold the item for lack of discussion"
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The committee meeting is now in its zoning reclassification section in which individual zoning change applications are voted on.…
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Ald David Moore objects to the zoning change to allow a medical cannabis dispensary to sell recreational cannabis in the 45th Ward. Ald Moore is disappointed in the lack of diverse ownership of the applicant, Curative Health LLC.
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Ald Moore is the only no vote and the zoning change passes.
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Ald Moore's concerns on minority ownership reflects the lack of equity in the legal cannabis industry in Chicago and Illinois despite official promises.…
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The committee approves the rezoning of the 2900 N block of Elston to residential proposed by @RossanaFor33. Many residents had been charged non-compliance fines because the block was zoned as commercial and manufacturing.
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Lawyer Sara Barnes, representing KMJ Properties, introduces zoning change application for 3 properties on the 4000 W block of Gladys Ave in the 28th Ward. The request is a bump up in density to comply with the zoning ordinance. Barnes says KMJ provides CHA housing on the sites.
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28th Ward Ald. Jason Ervin supports the the zoning changes for the KMJ properties on 4000 W block of Gladys and they are passed by the committee.
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Coco Ventures LLC, owner of 1130-40 West Monroe, better known as the WNDR museum, are applying to rezone the buildings to allow for renovations and expansion of the WNDR museum's exhibits. Attorney Richard Toth mentions the support of 25h Ward ald @SigchoFor25.
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In support of the rezoning,
thanks the applicant for their patience and its operating agreement with neighbors. The rezoning is passed.…
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Now before the committee is the application to amend the planned development at 4000 W Diversey, recently in the news as a proposed future film studio.…
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This redevelopment, billed as "The Fields" has brought opposition from community groups who say they have been shut out of the process.…
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With Ald. Felix Cardona Jr. (31st) in support, the zoning application for 4000 W. Diversey ("the fields") is approved by the zoning committee. @CHIdocumenters
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An application to build a new elementary school on Chicago Park District property at 2400 N Meade in the 30th ward is approved.
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1357 Property Owner LLC is applying for a zoning change to allow for a large redevelopment of the famous Morton Salt factory at 1357 N Elston Ave. The plan calls for offices live music venues and other entertainment businesses.…
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With the support of Ald. Walter Burnett and no objections, the Morton Salt factory redevelopment is approved.
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After the rezoning section of the meeting is concluded, Chair Tunney re-introduces the previously held smoke alarm ordinance. @CFDMedia Commissioner Richard Ford now supports the ordinance after discussions with @gilbert36ward and @ChicagoDOB
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-%~TECHNICAL~%- difficulties of my own: my @ChiCouncil livestream bugged out about 10 minutes ago with the note "network error". The fire gods really don't want me to report on this 10 year smoke alarm ordinance.
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Per @AlexNitkin the committee approves the 10 year smoke alarm ordinance and the meeting comes to a close.…
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In addition to the smoke alarm ordinance, big items are the passage of "the fields" proposed movie studio rezoning & Morton Salt entertainment district and the continued committee hold of the Clean air ordinance. @CHIdocumenters
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Today's zoning committee has adjourned after 4 hours and that will do it for this twitter thread. For more meeting coverage, check out @chidocumenters