Return to DDOT, Virtual Community Input Meeting 1-19-23
Live reporting by Amy Senese
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Disabled riders raised issues of having to take paratransit ID photos at Rosa Parks, and vehicles blocking access to bus stops.

amy k senese @amysenese
Good afternoon Detroit! Today at 5pm, I’ll be live tweeting the @RideDDOT Virtual Community Input Meeting for #DETdocumenters 🧵

our partners @media_outlier @wdet @freep @PlanetDetroit @BridgeDet313 @metrotimes @chalkbeatDET @MichiganRadio @DetDocumenters

02:38 PM Jan 19, 2023 CST

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Join this meeting online or by phone:…
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Detroit Documenters has meeting notes, recordings and archived documents from past meetings here:…
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Here's some reporting from @MalakSilmi on the recent developments around operating Paratransit Services in Detroit for people who are unable to use Fixed Route bus services because of a disability.…
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Back in October, @BryceHuffman313 rode on a DDOT bus with Detroit City Councilperson Latisha Johnson and her staff, to hear from riders. They complained about long wait times and called for expanded service:…
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"Detroit Documenters spent more than 40 hours riding the bus in November 2022. They documented what’s working well and what needs to improve. They interviewed riders, took notes, recorded audio and snapped pictures during their journeys."…
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Many riders said that they would prefer a car to get around.…
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I took part myself in this assignment. Here's my thread from November:…
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It's 5:05 and the meeting is called to order by Ayobami Bell Torrence, from DDOT outreach. She is calling on DDOT staff to quickly introduce themselves.
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Here are guidelines for public comment
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Ayobami Bell Torrence is now going over some DDOT updates and announcements using a slide show.
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Going over the Paratransit update now.
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Now an operations and ridership update:
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Next meeting is Feb 16th. at 5pm. That concludes the updates and now on to public comment. Beginning with Mr. Cunningham!
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Mr. Cunningham is asking about the paratransit complaint process. Can paratransit use the same weekend voicemail that all DDOT riders use? Cunningham says he has to use this service periodically and wants to know the procedures for that.
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Cunningham continued by saying he would love to see who from the community is in the meetings, the public never gets to see that.
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They are currently only taking paratransit complaints Monday-Friday. You can dial the paratransit telephone number and select option 4, to connect to the outreach direct services specialist. 313-208-7363
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Robert Pulaski from the Regional Transit Authority Community Advisory Council is next. Pulaski would like to see billboards advertising DDOT jobs. He said we've seen too many drivers leave, and he would like to see ppl make it their career.
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The last comment was from a regular rider and commenter, I didn't catch her name. She spoke on salaries and paratransit. Mikel Oglesby is responding. It's clear a lot of these commenters know each other and the DDOT staff, there's talk of birthdays & Cunningham's efforts.
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She's grateful City Council voted down the Transdev contract and that paratransit will continue.
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The next commenter is calling with 2 questions, when will DDOT be starting back bus routes 89 and 80, something else coming down W. Grand Blvd beside the Dexter, its unnecessarily slow, ppl are waiting for hours at a time. She can't stand 2,3 sometimes 5 hours.
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She would also like to have ADA riders take their photo for the IDs at a different location, & doesn't feel safe coming to the Rosa Parks Transit Center, there's a gentleman who works there that is treating women badly. She's made DDOT and City Council aware. She has evidence.
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She went on to describe it as sexual harassment. DDOT staff responding have received her evidence and documentation and are promising to
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On Routes 80 and 89, with DDOT reimagined, they are going to release a draft new network, where routes will be redesigned and they won't necessarily bring back old routes.
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Mr. Verse is next, asking what is the procedure for funding the drivers for DDOT, does it come from the City or the State? Also asking if there's anything the riders can contribute to the goal of increasing funding.
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Director Oglesby is responding about the driver's wages. The majority that goes towards wages is from the General Fund. They have so many operator vacancies. They are down 100 drivers.
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The Driver's Union has been negotiating for better wages. There isn't much that can be done now, just support DDOT in agreeing they need more money.
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Mr. Verse is also asking about Driver benefits. That's an important part of staying on the job. Director Oglesby lost his connection and will come back to answer.
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Stephen Boyle is next, he was waiting on the Rosa Parks bus from W. Grand Blvd, hoping it would turn left, but it shot past him, it was negative 20 that day. Tonight he hopped on the Dexter bus to get to the Fenkle Bus, but he can't count on it, it didn't appear on the tracker.
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He wants Duggan's staff to know that they shouldn't consider the Transdev contract again. Oglesby is back. They are familiar with Boyle's complaint about the Fenkell bus, and it often doesn't appear on the DDOT Tracker according to Boyle. Oglesby said to keep using the tracker.
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He wants everyone to use the DDOT tracker to make it better, the Transit app they have no control over. Oglesby said they know the tracker has issues.
Here's a link to the tracker:
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In regard to the RFP and the paratransit contract, DDOT's intent was not to have fewer providers, they ideally want more providers and invited all local companies to apply, one deterrence for small applicants is the insurance requirements.
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Now circling back to Mr. Verse's last question. Oglesby got cut off when answering. His last question was about Driver benefits. What do they get? Oglesby said they have access to medical, dental, etc. Salary and schedule are more so reasons why drivers leave the job.
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Oglesby said they are thinking outside of the box to address the needs of drivers and people looking for work. They need to fulfill the needs of the current drivers as well. They are leaving the agencies for various reasons, looking at incentives to bring drivers back.
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Ayobami Bell Torrence is reading a comment from Ms. Margarite Maddox in regard to vehicles parked at the bus stops and enforcing parking violations.
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The next commentator said Cunningham gave him a flyer with info on contacting DDOT. He said the Hamilton Bus drivers sometimes have bad attitudes, a rider needed a mask, but the driver wouldn't let her on, even though there were masks on the bus.
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He also thinks the Hamilton bus should run a little longer. He was visiting a relative in the hospital in the middle of the day, but the bus was not showing up when it was supposed to come even though it showed on the app. He sometimes waits 2 hours.
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He had to leave his relative earlier than he wanted to in the hospital just so he could catch the bus. Oglesby is responding. He may get out there himself to see what's going on with the service and the drivers on the Hamilton route 23.
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Melvin Barkley said anytime you experience insensitivity from a driver, call customer service.
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Renard is next, wanting to announce and see if they have received the passenger bill of rights from the council, if they intend to pass that out and how will they let the public know about it. Also spoke about driver accountability.
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A majority of the bill of rights has been implemented, except for the low-fare requirement. They are in the process of cross-checking what they already do. It's not on the website as they are redoing it.
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Here's more on the DDOT Bill of Rights from People's Platform.…
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The next comment is from a man who was also told about the meeting by Cunningham who also gave him hand warmers. He's concerned about getting to work and it's getting chilly at the bus stops while waiting in the cold without a shelter.
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They are in the process of installing 59 new shelters, it's advertising shelter construction. Patrinick said to send locations where shelters are needed.
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Next public comment is from a rider who just moved back downtown, is excited to see the ticket vending machine at Rosa Parks transit center, but questions why it isn't available all the time.
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Oglesby explained that its a pilot program, so they need to have staff there while people use it. There will eventually be more locations with these ticket vending machines. They haven't even announced to the public that it's there.
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Andre Bryant is a member of Warriors on Wheels and just took paratransit for the first time this year and it was a good experience. Asking how paratransit is funded, does it come from City funds?
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Oglesby is explaining that the funding for paratransit also comes from the general fund, 15 million dollars was approved by City Council. The fixed route funds come from the general fund as well.
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Meeko Williams is happy to live close to the Chene route. Voicing support for the DDOT bill of rights and advocating for lower fares. He knows people that take paratransit every day and thinks there should be expandable options. Are there uber and Lyft codes?
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There's a disconnect between the public knowing about the system and how to get information from DDOT. He thanks, Cunningham and Steven Boyle. He doesn't understand why we don't have 24 bus service on every route.
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Oglesby said it would be great to have 24 bus services on all routes, but they don't have the drivers to make that happen. They want to enhance the service they currently have first. They will focus on reliability.
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In terms of paratransit, it's very difficult to train Uber & Lyft drivers, it can't be controlled. They are looking at those options, but what they are doing now is better. He told a story about riding with an Uber or Lyft and the driver had a German Shephard in the front seat.
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The next comment is a woman asking about ADA changes at the Rosa Parks Transit center in terms of seating. Also asking about the Fairgrounds, when you come in it's hard to see the buses coming in and get to them when you are disabled.
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She is also asking why they have to go to Rosa Parks to take photos for their paratransit ID. She also wants to know why customer service complaints are not being addressed after she calls.
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Ayobami Bell Torrence is addressing the 2-minute limit. the last caller is complaining about being cut off when others had more time. This meeting does seem less strict than other meetings in terms of cutting off comments. They allow a back & forth between staff & the public.
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Tony Vinson is addressing the State Fair issues & Oglesby is saying they need to look at the photo ID options. Barkley is talking about her concerns with keeping the grounds clean. Oglesby is saying they are on top of it, but they need the riders to help keep things clean.
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Jasmine Williams is addressing complaints and describing the investigation process. The turnaround is approximately a week to 14 business days.
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Rick Brown, I believe the chief of transit police is addressing littering. Feeding the birds is creating litter. There's talk of issuing citations.
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They are overtime, but there are 7 new hands raised. They will continue and are asking people to adhere to the 2-minute limit.
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The next person is concerned about the spread of covid and the health and safety of riders. Oglesby is saying they will be issuing an RFP to implement filter systems for buses.
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Megan Owens from @DetroitTransit is inviting riders to an event Tues Jan 31st…
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The next person is asking if there's a quota for devices like wheelchairs, walkers, and grocery carts. A driver told her they can only have 3 on each bus. She said there were 3 grocery carts (personal carts, not from stores) on a bus, but the driver wouldn't let a 4th on.
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She said they were folded up in front of the people. Melvin Barkley, director of operations management is saying the walkways need to be kept clear.
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Ivy, from the Eastside, is a disabled fixed route rider. She's speaking about the bus stop issues with vehicles parked at the bus stops. She is also concerned about the major issues for disabled riders at the State Fairgrounds.
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Miss Margarite is speaking now, asking them to look at her first comment about how to apply as a first-time paratransit user. They're saying they have her info and will follow up because they don't want to give the wrong info as the staff person that can address it isn't there.
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Miss Margarite is asking now about the transit police. Sounds like difficulty using her walker and again, vehicles blocking the bus stops. She's the last hand raised.
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The meeting is ending now at 6:53 pm. I have to rush to a community meeting starting at 7pm, but I will add some more details later from the slideshow updates.
If you find anything inaccurate, please email with the subject “Correction Request”
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For more coverage, visit !
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quick correction via @grenadine who knows Ivy, who uses they/them pronouns. This was my first time attending a DDOT community meeting, and I recognized Cunningham, but I also learned a lot from all the riders who spoke.…
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Several community members who spoke tonight are members of Warriors on Wheels, run by Lisa Franklin, who uses a wheelchair for mobility and founded the group after an automobile accident with a drunk driver.
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WOW's mission is to "eliminate the great divide in opportunities for this population in quality transportation, accessible affordable housing, & other resources to sustain life and overall respect to this community of individuals who have disabilities."
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Here's more on the DDOT Reimagined plan, helping to reimagine public mobility.…
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Effective Monday, January 23, there will be new schedules for routes 4-Michigan, 5-Van Dyke/Lafayette, 9-Jefferson, and 18-Fenkell.
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Operations update: DDOT plans to construct a new bus maintenance, storage, and operations center at the existing Coolidge Terminal site. Look out for a future date for a public hearing where they will present the Environmental Assessment and receive public comments.
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@RideDDOT is hiring & currently has 20 students in training. 13 are training behind the wheel, 1 student is in CDL prep, 6 students are expected to get their operator badges the first week of Feb. 14 students have completed training since Dec. 1. Their next class starts Jan 23.
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Here's the DDOT website, where you can apply for DDOT Jobs, download bus schedules, learn how to buy fares and passes, contact customer service, and get updates on route detours.…
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5 new Transit Police Officers (TPOs) have been hired and transit police are scheduling additional interviews with MCOLES (Michigan Commission of Law Enforcement Standards) licensed officers.
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Updates from the safety division on security training, updating the bus fleet with new cameras, perimeter fencing, camera enhancements for video coverage at DDOT facilities, a fire protection contract, and contract negotiations for AI cameras to monitor TEO and road patterns.
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Here's reporting from @joeguillen and Axios last October about the Bus Shelter upgrades:…