
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
5:30 p.m. — 8:00 p.m. EDT

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Edited and summarized by the Detroit - MI Documenters Team

Note-taking by Talia Gordon

Community members and teachers at Thirkell Elementary School say the district has not responded to allegations of the abuse and retaliation they experience from the school’s principal. District officials said they're closing the investigation this week and will report back.

Live reporting by Colleen Cirocco

Community members and teachers at Thirkell Elementary School say the district has not responded to allegations of the abuse and retaliation they experience from the school’s principal. District officials said they're closing the investigation this week and will report back.

Colleen Cirocco @colleencirocco
Hey Detroit! At 5:30 PM I’ll be live-tweeting the DPSCD Regular Board Meeting for #DETdocumenters
Media partners:

01:51 PM May 14, 2024 CDT

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Tonight's meeting will be held in person and online - the in person meeting will be hosted at East English Village Preparatory Academy @ Finney.
For information and how to join virtually, visit the meeting page here:…
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Tonight's agenda can be found at this site (I downloaded the PDF version and it was over 70 pages, it seems like they are including supporting material in the agenda.) Twitter isn't letting me attach a file that large, but I'll keep trying.…
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In recent DPSCD news, Superintendent Vitti has been decrying the prevalence of marijuana use in schools, urging the state to take action.…
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On a more positive note, "Evening of Fine Arts" is returning tomorrow to the Fox Theater.…
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5:30 pm - On the live stream page, waiting for the meeting to begin
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5:35 pm - still waiting for the stream to begin.
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Meeting has been called to order, and they have a quorum.
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Moment of silence, In Memoriam for Cheryl Lang.
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➡️ Student Presentation - Color Guards from Denby High School; a vocal soloist from Duke Ellington School sings "The Star Spangled Banner" and "Live Every Voice and Sing."
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➡️Motion to approve the agenda, approved.
Motion to approve a set of meeting minutes from April 9-April 26, approved.
5:46 PM Public comment registration has closed.
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➡️ 6. Chair Remarks
These are student board members - having a hard time hearing them, going to switch to headphones.
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Much better with headphones 🎧
Students are requesting a building services report from a specific school expecting improvements to their field and gym.
They provide updates on the vaping/smoking issue.
Increased participation with 'decision day' and community activities.
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Dr. Vitti responds to the student ambassadors.
They released a letter to the mayor, governor, and legislature about the increased use of edibles and vape pens in the district. Depending on the offense there are different degrees of discipline at the school level.
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Follow up from the letter has been positive, gotten a lot of media attention and letters in response. Board met with councilman Benson, coalition being formed to lobby Lansing for changes in the legalization of marijuana law.
CMA renovations - the building has had renovation.
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Renovations to the CMA gym and the field will begin in the spring and complete by the fall of 2025.
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Tyrone Winfree Come Home Gala - Winfree, now deceased, worked with the board to try to get alumni to come back and participate with the district.…
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- Math in the D and Math Bee events also happened recently.
- None of the literacy lawsuit dollars have been sent.
- Graduation season, honoring the graduating seniors.
- Summer school, check website for more information. Runs 6/24-7/26.
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Paul Robeson/Malcolm X - FAQ document that has been created and shared to address concerns that have been raised. (couldn't find that exact document but this is the school's website)
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➡️ Moving on to the Financial Report from the CFO.
His report is filed for auditing purposes.
➡️9. Superintendent's Report
Some students are graduating with an associates degree along with the HS diploma.
Tonight they are celebrating core value "Excellence."
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They are honoring Gregory Pope III for performing CPR on a neighbor having a medical emergency - he was inside playing video games when he heard commotion outside, and immediately leapt to help his neighbor. He had no formal training but mirrored CPR that he saw on Grey's Anatomy
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They are now recognizing Henry Ford High School Students in cohort 1 for receiving associate degrees on Saturday.
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Dr. Vitti's report continued:
Dual enrollment program (associates degree option), is expanding. College classes are offered in all high schools.
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Blurry pic of the metrics Vitti is going over - increase in graduation rate at 74%. About 60% of juniors and seniors enrolled in college level courses.
They are negotiating contract but teachers can expect raises next year.
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Better staffing in cafeterias, down from 100 last year, now there are 34 vacancies. Breakfast and lunch participation are up from last year.
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Motion to accept the superintendent's report, approved.
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🚨Public Comment
Socialist Equality's candidate for Vice President. In solidarity with educators fighting against budget cuts and layoffs. They are on a fiscal cliff - the COVID money running out will lead to layoffs. Money going to Israel. Rank and file organizing matters.
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Educator - would like a timeframe of when the agreements will be made in the contract negotiations Dr. Vitti is having. Frustrated they are not able to plan the summer/year without having a contract.
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A nurse of 24 years, mom of 6. Proposing a curriculum for students to learn to resist and quit vaping. Vaping affects physical and mental health, increased teen suicide rates. Program is 6 weeks. Asks for the support and implementation of their program.
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"A public display of disrespect deserves a public apology." Is apologizing to two early childhood teachers.
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Detroit resident, owner of 27th Letter Books. Thirkell Elementary School has major issues, including over-suspensions and locking bathrooms for students. (There is an ongoing lawsuit, the board mentioned this before Public Comment)…
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Teaches 3, 4, 5 year old autistic students. In March requested an ESE kindergarten for students not ready for kindergarten. Her class size has been too large, the room is too small for that many students.
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President of Detroit Federation of Teachers, invites Vitti to attend collective bargaining sessions of DFT. The district does not keep up with proposals, offers up nonsensical proposals only to withdraw them after weeks of discussions. They want to work together.
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Teacher at Thirkell Elementary - has the best students who have the best families. Kids aren't allowed to have birthday celebrations in school. Vitti has not responded well to complaints, enabled culture of fear and abuse. District attacks teachers, collusion and corruption.
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Politics are at play, the principal is one of Vitti's favorites, doesn't hold them accountable.
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DFT building rep at Thirkell Elementary. Disappointed in the board and Dr. Vitti. Administrators given position without adequate training. 20 signatures of no confidence. We need quality, trained administrators. Is the park next to the building is school or city property?
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Detroiter, teacher, moved into administration at Detroit Edison School Academy, now works in non-profit org about genealogy. Created curriculum for 7-9th graders, 52 Insights for Gen Alpha. Would like to present about this, or be in contact with the right people.
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Is not happy that the board is not always present, give themselves a raise. Has been involved for 61 years, has four children. Is ready for the next election of the board, thinks "they don't know a damn thing."
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Grateful for summer school donors. Believes board and superintendent don't see the benefit of summer school. "You all are disgusting." There will be 5 pre-k's at one school. Not one word in their Core Values is "transparency." Curriculum is hurting.
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Had to retire from the district, accused of corporal punishment, they are losing a good teacher. Is yelling directly at the board without the microphone. Hard to decipher, he says a large percent of third graders can't read.
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Since he is speaking on behalf of two other people, they are giving him 2 more minutes to speak.
He is still speaking without the mic, I'm not able to pick up a lot of what he's saying.
He thanks them for letting him speak.
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Youth Council representative from Crockett Midtown. Voicing an anonymous concern about their current principal. Complaints are being ignored by Dr. Vitti. What can be done to help the culture at our school? She reads part of an email that was sent to Dr. Vitti (unanswered).
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DPS is extremely ethnic, the administration is ethnically different than the student population.
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The board has failed to respond to the abuse happening at Thirkell. Is not convinced that they are taking this seriously. Would not want to send future children to DPSCD, would not be able to trust them. People are getting retaliated against by bringing issues up.
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That concludes public comment.
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Dr. Vitti responds - is aware of concerns raised at Crockett. His understanding is that there was resolution to those issues. Re-send email and I will respond. We are concerned about the enrollment and future of Crockett.
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- We are not facing a financial cliff, we are not cutting staff going into this year.
- Will work with ESE teacher on her suggestions.
- More than willing to come to the next DFT bargaining meeting.
- Senior administrators and board members have visited Thirkell.
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From the audience someone shouts out that they wanted to know if these visits were unannounced - no response to this.
- Next steps created at a Thirkell faculty meeting, ongoing investigation should end by the end of this week.
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- Unfortunate that he has a 100% F grade - wants to know why he received it.
- Several of the board have visited Thirkell - no one pulled them aside to say there were any challenges, even before people started coming to board meetings.
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- President, apologies to commenter for responding to her email at 2AM.
- Please don't make the assumption that we know about things and things aren't happening - we have to know about the issue first.
- Vitti confirms that the land next to Thirkell belongs to DPSCD.
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Board member Gay-Dagnogo - we have to investigate how long an investigation can go on. We have to have a process in place to address this.
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➡️ 7:28PM - Motion to enter closed session.
Some active shouting of disapproval from the audience as the board moves into the closed session.
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I'll keep an eye on the screen and return once the public session resumes!
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Motion to come out of closed session, 8:53 PM, approved.
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➡️Personnel Actions
12.01 motion approved
12.02 - Vitti changing this termination to 30 days without pay.
- Motion to table this until the rest of the board is back at the table. Not sure why they are voting on if not everyone is there who is in the building.
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Back to the proposed revision to 12.02, the revision is approved.
12.02, approved.
12.03 Suspension for Cause - approved.
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➡️A couple more swift approvals
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➡️➡️14.01-14.22 all approved (these were discussed more in separate committees)
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➡️The board votes to tie-bar the items below, motion carries.
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- Happy belated Mother's Day
- Evening of Fine Arts tomorrow night at the Fox Theater
- STEM Awards coming up
- June 11 next board meeting
Motion to Adjourn, passes, 9:04 PM
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If you find anything inaccurate in my tweets, please email with the subject “Correction Request.”
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Meeting adjourned at 9:04 PM. This concludes the DPSCD Regular Board Meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for 6/11/24. For more meeting coverage, check out .


Agency Information

Detroit Public Schools Community District

Detroit Public Schools Community District (DPSCD) is Michigan’s largest public education system. It is governed by a locally-elected, seven-member board. The District’s mission is to provide every student with a beneficial and rightful educational experience, preparing students to be career and college ready, and qualified to compete in the global market. The District has 106 schools and educates 50,000 children.


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