Return to [in person] Police District Council 19 Special Meeting - Town Hall
Live reporting by Rebecca Pritchard
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Ride alongs, Mental health services, Crisis Assistance Response and Engagement (CARE) team,

Rebecca @attypritchard
Hi, I’ll be live-tweeting today's Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability: Police District Council 19 Special Meeting for #CHIdocumenters @CHIdocumenters. The meeting starts at 12!!

11:45 AM May 12, 2023 CDT

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While we wait, here’s the agenda
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I’m here right Maurilio Garcia, Sam Schoenburg, Jenny Schaffer for their special meeting. They just started 5 minutes ago. This is to plan for their first community meeting.
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The district is making plans to provide for incoming immigrants - they’ve raised $8000 so far for provisions! They’re working with a local church to provide showers, etc.
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General Counsel for the Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability, Charlie Isaacs, is also here as a community member.
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The council is determining places/dates for their first regular meeting, likely at the end of the month. Considering libraries, schools, and hospitals (but not getting much responses from principals)
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They want the location to be centrally located, large enough for 80+ people, and close to a transit station.
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All of the districts of Commission for Public Safety and Accountability have started having their first regular meetings this week (first in the history of Chicago!!) and have had decent turnouts, roughly 50, give or take.
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Schoenburg wants to determine how monthly check ins with CPD, who they will be communicating with. “The more of us having conversations with them, the better,” says Garcia.
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Schoenburg similarly would like to have contacts with regular POs, not just leadership. He wants to do ride alongs and roll calls, too.
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He’d also like to do ride alongs with CARE team - Crisis Assistance Response and Engagement. Includes a paramedic, mental health counselor, and a crisis intervention trained PO. currently they only operate during business hours.
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The group also wants to connect with mental health facilities to work with them and do walk throughs of their facilities
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Schaffer wants to talk to the community about private versus public mental health facilities - possibly during their second monthly regular meeting.
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She wants to “make sure we are adding to the treatment not trauma conversation… and make sure mental health funding is going where it needs to go in Chicago.”
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Garcia talks about a meeting with a local HOA where they brought Communities Partnering for Peace and ONE North Side to provide community based alternatives to just calling 911.
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The Council has moved onto designing the structure of their monthly regular meetings now. How to hold public comment and what broad topics to cover at upcoming meetings.
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They’re now discussing how to send a message that we want to lower our reliance on police without being anticop.
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They plan to inform the public about what CCPSA and what the District Councils are at their regular meeting.
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Votes are saved for next meeting. Meeting is adjourned at 1:15! Next meeting will be Tuesday, May 30 @ 6:30 pm - location TBA! For more meeting coverage visit ❤️❤️