Missing and Murdered Women Task Force [remote]

Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority
Criminal Justice

Wednesday, May 24, 2023
2:00 p.m. — 3:30 p.m. CDT

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This is a remote assignment. The meeting will be held via videoconference. Do not post the link publicly on social media (this can attract bots). Instead, you can direct people interested in attending to the teleconference number in the agenda or you can email/DM them the link.

Link: https://illinois.webex.com/illinois/j.php?MTID=mbe117127c249288cc774e2b9f87c6706 Meeting number: 2462 486 9872 Password: TXvxZvgt437

This is the first meeting of the Task Force on Missing and Murdered Chicago Women, which was established by legislation passed by the Illinois General Assembly.

For more context on what this task force is charged with, see:

Check the source website for additional information


Edited and summarized by the Chicago - IL Documenters Team

Live reporting by Eliot Wyeth

Illinois Criminal Justice Information Agency ; Inaugural meeting of the Missing Women and Girls Task Force

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“The task force will examine and report on the systemic causes behind violence that Chicago women and girls experience.” - https://www.illinoissenatedemocrats.com/caucus-news/52-senator-mattie-hunter-news/4148-hunter-law-creates-task-force-on-missing-and-murdered-women

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The meeting is called to order at 2:03PM.

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Role call is taken: right now, quorum is not reached yet, but no votes are taking place right now.

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State Senator Mattie Hunter is speaking about the creation of this task force.

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Senator Hunter highlights the fact that black women go missing at a much higher rate than other demographics in Chicago, as well as throughout the state. The current police response is insufficient. More research needs to be done, and then action taken.

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Delrice Adams is the executive director of the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority, and is leading this meeting.

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Former Det Chief of Police Thomas Lemmer is in attendance as a member of this task force.

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Lisa Masinter is in attendence, from the Public Health Department.

Note-taking by Karmeisha Boyd

Illinois Criminal Justice Information Agency ; Inaugural meeting of the Missing Women and Girls Task Force

Note-taking by Wesley Rodgers

Illinois Criminal Justice Information Agency ; Inaugural meeting of the Missing Women and Girls Task Force

Agency Information

Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority


See Documenters reporting

The Authority develops, evaluates and coordinates programs for the improvement of law enforcement and the administration of criminal justice; administers private, state and federal grant programs related to all phases of the administration of criminal justice; engages in research and acts as a repository and clearinghouse for federal, state and local research studies in all phases of the criminal justice system; and develops, operates and coordinates criminal justice information systems to promote the availability, completeness and accuracy of criminal history record information with due regard for federal and state privacy policy.

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