[remote or in person] Board of Commissioners

Chicago Housing Authority

Tuesday, July 18, 2023
8:30 a.m. — 1:00 p.m. CDT

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60 E Van Buren St Chicago, IL 60605 (Directions)

7th Floor

This is an assignment to cover a series of back-to-back meetings of the Chicago Housing Authority board.

You have the option of attending this meeting remotely or in person. If you attend in person, you may need to reserve a spot in advance more details here. Please indicate that you attended in person and an hour will be added to your total assignment pay.

If you document the meeting remotely, it will be live-streamed on the Chicago Housing Authority’s Youtube channel at this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeS4Oe-s6Ek

Meeting schedule (additional details here)

  • 8:30 a.m.: Closed session (this part often ends early, so we ask that you tune in at this time so you don’t miss the open session that follows)
  • 9:00 am: Finance & Audit Committee (Business Session)
  • 9:10 am: Tenant Services Committee
  • 9:20 am: Real Estate Operations Development Committee
  • 9:30 am: Business Session Public Hearing
  • Closed Session

The meeting duration varies but usually wraps up between noon and 1 p.m.

Check the source website for additional information


Edited and summarized by the Chicago - IL Documenters Team

Note-taking by Josue Turcios

Thirteen residents signed up to voice complaints and concerns at the Chicago Housing Authority’s Board of Commissioners meeting.

Live reporting by Kate Linderman

Thirteen residents signed up to voice complaints and concerns at the Chicago Housing Authority’s Board of Commissioners meeting.

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@CHIdocumenters The meeting has been called to order. Additionally, State Sen. Mattie Hunter and Ald. Mike Rodriguez have joined today’s meeting.

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CEO Tracey Scott reports that there are 16 housing developments under construction which will create over 1,800 mixed-income apartments. Scott says the pace of these developments has increased since the start of the year.

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Janice V. Jones was honored by Scott for her 45 years of work for the CHA. Brenda Joyce Hunter was also honored for her 47 years of work at CHA.

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Moving on to public comment on general matters, the Board will now hear from 13 speakers.

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Ernie Norman, a resident of the Edith Spurlock Sampson Apartments, says that there are weaknesses in the execution of the Rental Assistance Demonstration. He hopes to speak to decision-makers on the process.

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Jenny Newsom says that she and other residents of the Dr. Mildred Harris apartments have been disturbed by migrants who have been in the apartment parking lot and the vacant lot nearby.

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Multiple commenters spoke about issues with landlord Gary Carlson. One tenant says he and his family have been “constantly harassed to move and threatened” in the last year by Carlson.

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CHA Board members told the commenters citing issues with Carlson that resident services will meet with them.

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Another commenter and resident of one of Carlson’s apartments says they have suffered from a roach infestation. “I have been spraying my apartment every other day literally till I made myself sick,” they said.

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CEO Scott said that residents of Carlson’s apartments present at today’s meeting can convene separately today so the CHA can take down all of their concerns.

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A commenter speaking on behalf of his parents, who are residents of Carlson’s apartments, said, “I feel like CHA and the city is in cahoots with this guy because he’s getting away with so much.”

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That concludes the public comments on general matters. This will conclude the general board meeting. The Board will move on to the Real Estate Operations Development Committee.

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Cheryl Burns presents on contracts for HCV Administration and Owner services. These contracts will cover inspection services for HCV, PBV, public housing and other programs. The aggregate total of the contracts totals $55M over a 5-year term.

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The call centers, which are part of the contract, are limited each day due to volume. These call centers will not be responsible for the RAD waitlist, but they will help with RAD vacancies.

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Gary Carlson’s residents are receiving $1500 for moving costs. They are being asked to move because Carlson has been banned by the contracted company due to non-compliance.

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Next, a plumbing contract with Alpha Chicago, Inc. for a capital improvement project at Maria Diaz Martinez Apartments at 2111 North Halsted Street plans to replace the galvanized steel plumbing risers, which distribute water to all 134 units.

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During the project, upgrades will be made in areas of units that are impacted by the project, likely the kitchen and bathroom. Residents have been informed of the project’s details and will be relocated throughout the project as needed.

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Most of the work will be done in the vacant units. Some residents will need to move twice, but most residents will only need to move once, according to the contractor.

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Moving on to the next agenda item. A contract for Omnigo Software LLC for a security management information system (SMIS). This will be used to track incident reports, visitor management, video for police and FOIA requests and other SMIS services.

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Most of Omnigo works remotely, however, there is only one employee based in Chicago. Only one company in Chicago bid for this contract, according to CPO Eric Garrett, but the price was three times as high.

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An authorization to approve Parkside 5 Ground Lease, Loan and Subsidy cover the next phase of the project at the former Cabrini site of Parkside. It will produce 99 new units with 37 of them subsidized with RAD project vouchers. These will consist of 3 and 4-bedroom units.

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The next phase of Ogden Commons A2 will add 92 more units for CHA families on the waitlist. Phase 1 is currently in production. The next step will be a submission to HUD for approval. Closing will be in early 2024, according to Ann McKenzie, Chief Development Officer.

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A contract has not been awarded for the A2 phase of Ogden Commons. The construction period will be 14 months according to Dave Mevis, VP of Community Development at The Habitat Company.

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The next agenda item calls for authorization for actions necessary to advance the mixed-use redevelopment of LeClaire Courts. This would cover several actions including dedicating and vacating streets to build infrastructure. This is the initial phase of the development.

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Ald. Rodriguez (22nd) spoke on this agenda item at the start of the meeting. “I know that the local residents and the former rights return residents have been fighting for this project. And they have made it clear to me they want no further delays,” he said.

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The financing for the project will be presented this fall for the first residential project. Learn more about some of the planned developments here https://blockclubchicago.org/2022/05/12/former-leclaire-courts-public-housing-site-will-be-revamped-with-new-school-urban-farm-and-health-care-center-under-60-million-plan/

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After 30+ community meetings, the developers added a grocery store to the project. The developers did not have specific details on the agreement with the initial grocer.

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Agenda items discussed today (#4-#9) have been approved by the committee. This concludes the Real Estate Operations Development Committee. The Board will now move on to the annual Board meeting.

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Elections for Vice Chair and Board Secretary took place. Commissioner Matthew Brewer has been reelected as CHA Vice Chair. Lee Chuc-Gill was reelected as CHA Board Secretary.

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There is no quorum for the Finance & Audit Committee (Items #1-3), so the Board will review presentations and vote on these items.

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Item #1 recommends the adoption of a revised information security policy that combines current information security policy-based communications equipment and a framework for securing CG assets.

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Item #2 recommends the approval of the Investment and Cash Management Policy. This would update a policy approved in July 2022.

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Finally, Item #3 would approve a Procurement Policy, which would incorporate a standalone policy for the department into the procurement policy. This would ensure transparent practices for contractors and vendors.

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Agenda items #1-3 from the Finance & Audit committee have been approved by the Board.

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Agenda items #4-9 have been approved by the Board. These items were approved earlier by the Real Estate Operations Development Committee.

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The Board will now go into a closed session for approximately 30 minutes.

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The Board has returned from the closed session. The Board discussed personnel actions. The item was approved.

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Meeting adjourned at 12:27 p.m. This concludes the CHA Board of Commissioners meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for Sept. 19, 2023. Observers will no longer need to register in advance, but commenters will. For more meeting coverage, check out http://documenters.org.

Agency Information

Chicago Housing Authority

The CHA Board of Commissioners is the governing body that determines policies and resolutions of CHA. The Board approves decisions that chart the direction of current and future programs and authorizes the actions of the Chief Executive Officer and his or her designees. The 10-member Board of Commissioners is confirmed by the Chicago City Council for staggered five-year terms. All commissioners must be residents of Chicago, and at least three commissioners must be CHA residents. Employees of CHA are not authorized to serve as commissioners.

Remote meetings are live-streamed on the Chicago Housing Authority’s Youtube channel. The video may not appear until at or a few minutes after the scheduled start time. If you do not see if right away, wait a few moments and try refreshing your Internet tab.

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