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Live reporting by Matthew Warakomski
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Controversial noise ordinance passed.

Matthew Warakomski @MatthewW_CB
Hi everyone, I'll be documenting Chicago's City Council meeting. #CHIdocumenters @CHIdocumenters
Trouble at City Hall. I will document remotely. Shame, but such is life.

10:08 AM Jun 12, 2024 CDT

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@CHIdocumenters Council agenda available: 19c87ae2-5df4-4481-8d1a-5b3741498036.pdf ()
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@CHIdocumenters Meeting beginning. 10:14 am June 12 2024
Mayor Johnson is in attendance.
Attendance: Harris, Beale, Chico, Lee, Mitchell, Quinn, Gutierrez, Lopez, Coleman, La Spata, Dowell, Moore, Cardona, Waguespack, Conway, Taliaferro, Sigcho-Lopez, Mitts, Clay, Sposato, Nugent, Vasquez.
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@CHIdocumenters Unable to get all in attendance, a quorum was called. Some attendants virtual.
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@CHIdocumenters Public comments begin: 10:21 am.
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@CHIdocumenters John Jansen first speaker. Pro-life activist. Against Quiet Zone on grounds of First Amendment rights.
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@CHIdocumenters Matt Moore. Second Speaker. People for Bikes. Lithium-ion battery testing requirement comments. Wishes for laboratory testing through NRTLs.
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@CHIdocumenters Billy Rivi: Third speaker. Speaking in support of the ceasefire in Gaza. Commends Alderwoman Rossana and commends the city for calling for a ceasefire.
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@CHIdocumenters Dan Schaefer: Fourth Speaker. Calling for more resources and support for LGBTQ+ community members in the 30th ward and beyond. Ex. Safe spaces, career coaching, and programs for further inclusion.
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@CHIdocumenters Dod McColgan: Fifith Speaker. Speaking to have a referendum for community power over policing being added to the ballot. Commends Alderwoman Rossana
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@CHIdocumenters Koby Guillory: Sixth Speaker: Further support for the referendum for community power over policing.
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@CHIdocumenters Benita Ulisano: Seventh Speaker. Retort against Mr. Jansen to continue the Quiet Zone on the grounds that the protests are disruptive to operations.
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@CHIdocumenters Mia Combs: Ninth Speaker. Further support for the referendum for community power over policing.
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@CHIdocumenters Correction: Eight Speaker
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@CHIdocumenters Maurice Wilbon: Ninth Speaker. Offering his help for activism through his company.
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@CHIdocumenters Benjamin P (couldn't catch the last name): Tenth Speaker. Pastor supporting pro-life (I think. His positions were all over the place).
End of public comments: 10:50 am.
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@CHIdocumenters Acknowledgments in progress.
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@CHIdocumenters Remarks from the city council on resolutions: Pride Month.
Community activists asked to attend.
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@CHIdocumenters Three alderpersons are supporting the Pride Month resolution. They have not explained what it is. Primarily commandments of Pride Month and giving thanks to pro-LGBTQ legislation and activism.
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@CHIdocumenters Continued and overwhelming support for Pride Month.
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@CHIdocumenters Alderman showed support for his mother's support during his time coming out. Acknowledgment of lack of support in the African American community for LGBTQ+ children.
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@CHIdocumenters Alderman Lopez remembering those fallen to hate crimes against LGBTQ+ community members.
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@CHIdocumenters Support for LGBTQ+ members of Asian decent.
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@CHIdocumenters Alderpersons call for community members to contact them for anything they can do to help their communities.
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@CHIdocumenters Alderman Mitchel Passes Resolution. 11:44 am.
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@CHIdocumenters Resolution Definition: Resolutions are often used to address matters of a non-legislative or temporary nature, and they serve as a formal means for a city council to communicate its stance or intention on a specific issue. (from Bing).
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@CHIdocumenters Subsequent Resolution: Marian Robinson's remembrance. (Mother of Michelle Obama)
Members of her family.
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@CHIdocumenters Resolution ending. Less time on Robinson Remembrance. Mayor Johnson giving his thoughts. Speakers addressed the importance of the grandmother in African American families.
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@CHIdocumenters Final Resolution: Women Veterans' Day
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@CHIdocumenters Alderman Conway speaks on the diversity of the military and debunked the myth of it only being men.
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@CHIdocumenters Continued support for women's rights and their accomplishments in the military. Alderwoman Harris gives personal thanks to her sister, who is present.
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@CHIdocumenters 11th Ward is starting VA days.
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@CHIdocumenters Further thanks are being given to military veterans. Overwhelming support and appreciation.
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@CHIdocumenters Alderman Villegas speaking to womens' contribution to American democracy and how more must be done to recognize women veterans.
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@CHIdocumenters Resolution passed with a rising vote. Everyone stood (as far as I could see.)
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@CHIdocumenters Regular order of business resuming.
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@CHIdocumenters Ordinances from committees being read: 12:25 pm.
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@CHIdocumenters Committee reports being read:
1st Committee: Committee of Finance.
Issue: Provision of tax increment financing funds for improvements to Union Park.
Yea= 44
Nay= 0
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@CHIdocumenters Reconsider to vote failed.
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@CHIdocumenters For further reference, tax increment finance is TIF.
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@CHIdocumenters TIF funds with Chicago Park District: 5
Ordered= All
Failed= 0
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@CHIdocumenters There are no objections to other orders thus far.
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@CHIdocumenters Construction orders are being passed. Up to ordinance ten. For low to moderate-income housing.
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@CHIdocumenters Report on Committee of Finance ended. All orders passed. Committee of the Budget (missed the full name) begins 12:45 pm.
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@CHIdocumenters The transfer of funds concludes the report. Committee on Economic Capitol speaking as of 12:47 pm.
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@CHIdocumenters Committee on Environmental Protection and Energy speaking.
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@CHIdocumenters All orders "so ordered" thus far.
Committee on Ethics and Government Oversight reporting.
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@CHIdocumenters Committee on Housing and Real Estate speaking.
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@CHIdocumenters Alder Fuentes speaking on affordable housing across from Humbolt Park being built. Seeking support to combat gentrification.
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@CHIdocumenters Committee on License and Consumer Protection speaking.
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@CHIdocumenters Statement from Chairman Silverstein calling for yea vote to lithium-ion batteries ordinance being added to the city code. It would require lithium-ion batteries to be certified for things like e-scooters and e-bikes. Not present due to religious obligations.
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@CHIdocumenters Lithium-Ion Battery legislation receiving many nos. For fear of monopoly with the testing lab and lack of input from other environmental groups. No official vote was called. The chair is being appealed under the grounds that the actions to defer and publish are out of order.
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@CHIdocumenters Motion to refer the item back to committee.
Yea= 32
Nay= 14
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@CHIdocumenters Committee on Pedestrian and Traffic Safety speaking. Three amendments to the municipal code passed.
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@CHIdocumenters Committee on Police and Fire speaking. All motions passed.
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@CHIdocumenters Committee on Transportation and Public Way: All orders passed.
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@CHIdocumenters Committee on Workforce Development: All five items passed.
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@CHIdocumenters Committee on Zoning, Landmarks, and Building Standards: All items passed except one. One deferred and published.
(Playful teasing took place.)
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@CHIdocumenters All committee reports are finished. Taking a quick break during calender discussion.
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@CHIdocumenters I have returned. Unfinished business underway.