[remote or in-person] Committee on Zoning, Landmarks and Building Standards

Chicago City Council

Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2024
10:00 a.m. — 12:00 p.m. CDT

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121 N LaSalle St Chicago, IL 60602 (Directions)

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If you choose to document remotely, the meeting will be live-streamed at https://www.chicityclerk.com/.

At this link, scroll down to “Meeting Notices.” Look for “Watch now” and click on the link with the meeting title to go to a livestream page.

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The end time listed on this assignment is an estimation based on the duration of past meetings of this type.

Other notes and pre-research resources

  • Meeting details page: https://chicityclerkelms.chicago.gov/Legislative-Body-Details/?bodyId=ED9FC72B-B0D7-EC11-A7B4-001DD804F0C4
  • The committee is likely to discuss items in a different order than they are listed in the agenda (according to the associated lawyer). You can do a keyword search in the agenda (hit the “CTRL” and “F” keys at the same time to bring up a search bar) to find the item they’re talking about more quickly.
  • Be sure to check the “attachments” tab for the meeting agenda and other documents. You can access more information about items on the agenda at https://chicityclerkelms.chicago.gov/. You can search keywords or click the “Show more filters” button and enter the legislation number (i.e. [O as in Ordinance][year introduced]-####, [R as in Resolution][year introduced]-####).
  • Chicago Councilmatic: This civic data org’s website has a lot of the information that can be found on the city’s database in a more user-friendly format, with info on this committee, plus headshots of members

Check the source website for additional information


Edited and summarized by the Chicago - IL Documenters Team

Note-taking by Audrey Sides

The vote to get landmark status for Pilsen’s St. Adalbert Church was deferred. The committee approved another ordinance to expand a pilot project to mitigate gentrification on the Northwest side.

Live reporting by Kerry Snider

The vote to get landmark status for Pilsen’s St. Adalbert Church was deferred after a contentious meeting.

Kerry Snider @ksniderCHI
Hi, I’ll be live-tweeting today's Committee on Zoning, Landmarks and Building Standards for #CHIdocumenters @CHIdocumenters

10:02 AM Sep 17, 2024 CDT

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If you'd like to attend remotely too use this link: The agenda can be found here: chicityclerk.com/committee-zoni… …storagev1.blob.core.usgovcloudapi.net/meetingattachm…
chicityclerk.com/committee-zoni… …storagev1.blob.core.usgovcloudapi.net/meetingattachm…
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Remote streaming technical difficulties, no sound came on live stream (at least on my browser) until 10:22. Chairperson @CDRosa starts reading off agenda items
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@CDRosa Public comment period begins at 10:25, @CDRosa initially states 15 speakers will be each given 2 minutes. Alderman Beal recommends giving more time for comments based on the amount of people in the gallery.
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Alderman Byron Sigcho-Lopez seconds Alderman Beal. Chairperson Rosa maintains the speaker limits.
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First public comment calls for type 1 zoning map amendment to expedite more housing in Chicago
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Third public comment from resident and parishioner of St. Adalbert's, who wants the church building to be recognized as a landmark. More info on St. Adalbert here: abc7chicago.com/post/supporter…
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Fourth public comment calls the landmark request for St. Aldabert's vote be deferred.
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Fifth public comment from Julie Sawicki, president of the Society of St. Adalbert in favor of landmark status to preserve the "150-year-old site"
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7th public comment from George Blakemore: "The catholic archdiocese have failed to keep this church a historical landmark." Blakemore calls for all public comments to be heard, "You are a public servant."
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8th: member of St.Adalbert's, in support of landmark designation of St.Adalbert's.
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public comment from Karen Shine, resident of washington park 3rd ward, support to the sunshine gospel ministries community center.
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public comment from Maria Hernandez: spoke against landmark status for St. Aldarberts, "threatens survival of St. Paul's church. This would be the third (church closing) we would have to go through." "They gave us a crumbling property with no resources."
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Mary Gonzales, moved to 25th ward "in 1958 and has not left." From St Paul Catholic Church and asks the commission to vote no, amongst protests in the gallery.
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Screenshots from presentation from tenant opportunity to purchase block (606) district pilot program
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@AldermanLaSpata first to add a question that's more of a comment. Following the last ordinance of this nature, La Spata said development applications did not decrease, but changed the character of applications.
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@AldermanLaSpata Alderperson Fuentas @Ward26Chicago second to comment speaks in favor of the ordinance. "Our residents are house poor, rent burdened."
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@CDRosa Correction: vice chair Bennett Lawson called the meeting to order. Chairperson @CDRosa later spoke in favor of the ordinance for redefining boundaries of 606 district.
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@40thforward asks what the possibility of expanding policies from this ordinance to other communities throughout the city
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Dan Clybourn, from the Department of Planning and Development, starts opening comments for proposed landmark status for St. Adalbert's.
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Clybourn describes the several buildings meeting the landmark criteria on the St. Adalbert's campus, including a convent, rectory and school building in addition to the main church building.
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Alderman @ByronSigcho speaks in favor of the landmark status for St.Adalbert's. "We cannot continue to have the unrest that pits parishioners against each other."
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@ByronSigcho @AldReilly asks for the deadline of this committee so there may be further dialogue for this project. Based on meeting yesterday, "the future of the Pilsen TIF is now in question."
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@ByronSigcho @AldReilly vice chair Bennett Lawson stated the 350-day timeframe started june 24, this is first meeting the zoning committee could meet to discuss the landmark status.
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a representative from the Archdiocese of Chicago requests the committee defer the vote
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@AldermanLaSpata asks "is it accurate to say the church and the archdiocese currently object to the landmark status?" Counsel from archdiocese responds revitalization depends on obtaining third party financial support, in addition to working with the city and archdiocese
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@AldermanLaSpata @Alderman_Beale asks to defer the vote until more parties are in agreement. "We have until june of next year until this thing rolls into effect without city council approval. We're not in a hurry."
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@AldermanLaSpata @Alderman_Beale "I'll never landmark a piece of property the owner was not in favor of, that's an injustice to people to own property." @Alderman_Beale
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@AldermanLaSpata @Alderman_Beale @ByronSigcho asks to vote today, "the wish of the local alderman to take determination today.
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@AldermanLaSpata @Alderman_Beale @ByronSigcho Item deferred 4 to 10 votes
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@AldermanLaSpata @Alderman_Beale @ByronSigcho Eiliesh Tuffy staff to the commission chicago landmarks presents the case for Ramova Theater Building, to be designated as a chicago landmark, @ald_nicolelee aware of designation request
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@AldermanLaSpata @Alderman_Beale @ByronSigcho @ald_nicolelee More about the Ramova Theater renovations here: interiordesign.net/projects/ramov…
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@AldermanLaSpata @Alderman_Beale @ByronSigcho @ald_nicolelee Screenshot from presentation on rezoning on Western Avenue Corridor Plan, No. A-8900
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@AldermanLaSpata @Alderman_Beale @ByronSigcho @ald_nicolelee @40thforward thanks city planners for their time and dedication turning this concept into a plan and highly urges the committee to support the ordinance.
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Lucy Nye, on behalf of Alderman Matt Martin, supports the ordinance. Item passed.
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zoning change request for a 37-story apartment building with up to 396 units at the abandoned bank of america at 1565 N Clybourn ave. Item is passed as revised.
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Screenshot from Sara Barnes on behalf of applicant GW Properties for a mixed use development at 3955 N. Kilpatrick
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more details here: chicago.urbanize.city/post/plan-comm…
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Well folks, this has been fun. I have to run now, but let it be known the committee is still in session as of 2:30pm.

Agency Information

Chicago City Council

The Chicago City Council is the legislative branch of the government of the City of Chicago and consists of the Mayor and Aldermen elected from each of the City’s fifty wards. Source

If you attend a meeting in person, be prepared to go through a security checkpoint and show photo ID.

Meetings are also livestreamed at https://www.chicityclerk.com/.

At this link, scroll down to “Meeting Notices.” Look for “Watch now” and click on the link with the meeting title to go to a livestream page. If you don’t see a link for the meeting, you may be early or the meeting may be starting late. Wait a few moments and try refreshing your Internet tab.

Recordings of past City Council meetings may be found here: https://vimeo.com/user100351763/videos/sort:date.

See also: “What to Expect at a Meeting of Chicago’s City Council” via the Better Government Association.

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