Return to [remote or in person] Community Development Commission
Live reporting by Sofia Delgado
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Oak-Larrabee redevelopment, Englewood Neighborhood Redevelopment Project

Sofia Delgado @sofiainchicago
Good afternoon. I will be live tweeting the Community Development Commission (CDC) meeting for @CHIdocumenters #CHIdocumenters. The meeting started at 1:00 pm on May 14, 2024. Thread ⬇️

01:23 PM May 14, 2024 CDT

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A livestream of the CDC meeting can be found here:
The agenda can be found here:…
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CDC reviews and recommends action on the provision of Tax Increment Financing (TIF) to assist private redevelopment projects, the designation of new TIF districts and Redevelopment Areas, the sale of City-owned property located in TIF districts and Redevelopment Areas; and (cont)
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appoints members to Community Conservation Councils, according to their website:…
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The Community Development Commission is tasked with reviewing TIF-related projects (Tax Increment Financing). More info about TIF districts here:…
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Many TIF districts are set to expire in the next year or two. See this Dec. 20, 2023 Crains Chicago Business article for more context:…
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The first order of business on the agenda is old business regarding South Chicago TIF Redevelopment Project Area (Ward 10) requesting authority to advertise the DPD’s intention to enter into a negotiated sale with Pilgrim Baptist Church of South Chicago, Inc. for the (cont.)
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disposition of the property located at 9121 South Burley Avenue in the South Chicago TIF Redevelopment Project Area, and to approve the sale of the property to Pilgrim Baptist Church of South Chicago, Inc.
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The new business is regarding Near North Redevelopment Project Area (Ward 27), requesting authority to designate BMD-I, LLC as the successful respondent and to reject all other responses to the Request for Proposals issued by the Department of Planning and Development (cont.)
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on behalf of the CHA on Dec. 31, 2015, for the redevelopment of property located at 537-545 W Oak Street / 993 North Larrabee St, and request authority to negotiate a redevelopment agreement with Oak-Larrabee, LLC and to recommend the designation of Oak-Larrabee, LLC as Developer
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Next item regards the Englewood Neighborhood Redevelopment Project Area (Ward 16), requesting authority for DPD to enter into a land sale with Gloria Allen, for the disposition of the property located at 6337 S. Carpenter Street, and to approve the sale of the property to Allen
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The final item regards Chicago/Central Park Redevelopment Project Area (Ward 37) Request authority for DPD to enter into a land sale with Alees Edwards, for the disposition of the property located at 1055 N. Harding Avenue, and to approve the sale of the property to Alees Edwards
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The Oak-Larrabee redevelopment plan only contains 10 designated affordable units for the Cabrini Green Neighborhood, even while Chicago is in the midst of an affordable housing crisis:…
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A passionate member of the public, George Blakemore, was respectfully asked to refrain from making comments while council members are speaking. Blakemore responded "I did!" when a council member said that no one submitted written comments regarding the Oak-Larrabee project.
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The named "public benefits" include 78 new mixed-income rental units, 54 of which will rent to CHA/PH and affordable individuals and families, approx. 100 temporary construction jobs and permanent jobs managing the property, and will incorporate environmentally friendly features
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The Cabrini Local Advisory Council Community Development Corporation will be co-developer/partner on this transaction.
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Zoey Leigh cited the Chicago Blighted Property Act, and asked the committee "for the Black women, Black grandparents, for my mother," to focus on using Black development and construction companies, and to address her lawsuit currently in court.
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One citizen stated that the City of Chicago "steals" property from predominantly Black citizens through probate, the process of which does not contain stenography or a record, which she said hides how they "stole [her] property."
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Jerry Lewis, owner of JLL Construction, INC., is "sorry to hear" people's stories of racial discrimination, and states his commitment to employing the Black community for union jobs, including supporting 15 previously incarcerated business leaders.
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TJ Hughes says that Alderman Burnett needs to be more focused on "our people," referring to members of the Cabrini Green community, "as opposed to your people," gesturing towards the council members.
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George Blakemore, concerned citizen, says that "this is a game that CHA is playing that gives money to rich, white developers" to close down public housing in the name of affordable housing, calling it "white man's money," saying "white wealth, black labor."
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Item IV A concerning the Near North Redevelopment Project Area (Ward 27) was approved, and most of the citizen audience for the meeting left the room.
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Meg Gustafson discusses Gloria Allen's plan for the property located at 6337 S. Carpenter Street in the Englewood Neighborhood TIF Redevelopment Project Area.
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Commissioner Davis asks Gustafson what the safeguards are if Allen cannot upkeep the property. Gustafson responds that Allen has already been keeping up the lot, and cannot sell for 5 years, so keeping up the lot for 5 years would serve as proof.
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Item IV B, regarding the disposition of the property located at 6337 S. Carpenter Street in the Englewood Neighborhood Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Project Area, and to approve the sale of the property to Gloria Allen was approved.
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Final Item IV C, regarding the disposition of the property located at 1055 N. Harding Avenue in the Chicago/Central Park TIF Redevelopment Project Area, and to approve the sale of the property to Alees Edwards, was approved.
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The meeting adjourned at 2:24 PM.