Return to Special Meeting to adopt 2023 budget [remote or in person]
Live reporting by Will Reynolds
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Metropolitan Water Reclamation District, special budget meeting, 2023 budget passes

Will Reynolds @willinois
Good morning! I'm life tweeting the special budget meeting of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago for @CHIdocumenters #CHIdocumenters.

10:26 AM Dec 8, 2022 CST

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@CHIdocumenters It's scheduled for 10:30am. I'm watching remotely. Meeting video and agenda can be found here:
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After the opening ceremonies, the budget meeting starts with a presentation by Executive Director Brian Perkovich.
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Perkovich gives a short summary.
The budget is guided by the MWRD strategic plan.
The capital budget is up 8%.
Perkovich and board President Kari Steele both thank staff for their work on the budget.
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Commissioner Mariyana Spyropoulos says MWRD has a balanced budget and AAA bond rating thanks to the work of staff.
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Commissioner Marcelino Garcia says "the budget has a lot of equity ideas inside" but would like to create more partnerships in the community.
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Commissioner Eira Corral SepĂșlveda asks if a previously discussed leave policy is included in the budget. Perkovich says it would be reflected in the fiscal year 2024 budget.

She's looking forward to new programs related to the affirmative action ordinance they're working on.
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They close discussion and approve all budget resolutions unanimously by roll call vote.
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President Steele moves to adjourn the budget meeting. This feels anticlimactic.
MWRD doesn't have many heated debates. Their work is usually less controversial. They also do working groups outside of board meetings.
This concludes my live tweeting for #CHIdocumenters.