Return to CCLBA Land Transactions Committee
Live reporting by William Garcia
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Bill Garcia @BillGDocumenter
Hi, I'll be live-tweeting this morning's Cook County Land Bank Authority (CCLBA) Land Transactions Committee meeting for @CHIdocumenters #CHIdocumenters

09:42 AM Nov 13, 2020 CST

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This morning's meeting is scheduled for 10am. Follow along via Zoom:…
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This morning's agenda
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CCLBA was formed by ordinance of Cook County in 2013 to address the large inventory of vacant residential, industrial and commercial property in Cook County. CCLBA is a unit of Cook County government, funded primarily with grants, contributions and revenues from transactions.
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CCLBA has a handy, interactive map showing properties currently under their management:…

Folks can use the tool to find more information for each property and apply to purchase the property.
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Just waiting to get let in to the Zoom meeting @CCLBA
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The Land Transactions Committee meeting has begun at 10:12am.

Roll is called.

There are no registered public speakers.
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Chad Tady from SUNPOWER gives a proposal regarding the 36-acre property located at 11400 S Torrence. @CCLBA acquired this property, which was formerly owned by a railroad. CCLBA will decide whether to enter into a lease agreement with SUNPOWER, who'd use the site for solar panels
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SUNPOWER has an alternative proposal that would use only 20 of the 36 acres, allowing community use of the remaining land.
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Part of this project is producing energy that would allow low-income residents to purchase energy with a cost savings of about 50% compared to ComEd. Residents would need to change their energy provider to SUNPOWER.
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This would be the first property leased by @CCLBA to a for-profit company. However, the committee notes that Cook County does this all the time.
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Tady / SUNPOWER proposal slides continued
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Tady notes the subscription potential could go to anyone currently on ComEd. The committee has asked for increased focus on CHA residents and facilities.
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More information on the low-income community solar program from Illinois Solar For All:…
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Alderman Garza notes this site has been dormant for about 25 years. Apparently Acme Steel once employed 10k people on this site.
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Alderman Garza and Cook County Commissioner Stanley Moore are present to voice their support for the SUNPOWER proposal.
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The committee unanimously approves the resolution to enter into a lease agreement with SUNPOWER.
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Next: Darlene Dugo presents the Land Transaction report
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Dugo slides continued (not all slides were discussed, so I wasn't able to grab a capture of each).
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The committee approves the meeting minutes from October 9th.
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There is no Chairman's report.
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The meeting adjourns at 11:05am.
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Dugo had shared a recent article regarding the Animal Care League's use of land purchased through the @CCLBA…
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This concludes my coverage for @CHIdocumenters. #CHIDocumenters

Please see for more information. Reply to this thread or DM me with any questions.