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Amendment passed to increase fine of assault on EMTs

Ahmad Sayles

09:50 AM Jan 30, 2023 CST

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View the meeting along with me here:

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Chairperson Taliaferro calls the meeting to order. Roll call to establish a quorum is underway.

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14 members are present. A quorum has been reached. No public comments. Rule 45 report passed.

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One item on the agenda. The amendment of the municipal code regarding rules for private ambulances and assault against emergency workers.

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City Council members are concerned about the increase in attacks on Chicago Fire Department EMTs.

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Ald. Napolitano & Ald. Lopez blamed attacks on paramedics for the lack of CPD officers to provide support. The amendment to the municipal code increases the fine for assaulting a first responder.

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Chairperson Taliaferro motions for passage of the amendment. Motion seconded. With no further business before the committee, the meeting is now adjourned.

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The Committee on Public Safety meeting ends at 10:38 a.m. This ends my coverage for @chidocumenters find more information through Michelle Meyer’s notes at