Return to Committee meetings
Live reporting by William Garcia
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Bill Garcia @BillGDocumenter
Hi, I'll be live-tweeting this morning's Cook County Board of Commissioners committee meetings for @CHIdocumenters #CHIdocumenters

08:36 AM Oct 21, 2020 CDT

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Committees schedule:

- 9:30 Rules & Administration
- 9:30 Finance
- 9:30 Zoning & Building
- 10:00 Health & Hospitals
- 10:15 Environment & Sustainability
- 10:30 Business & Economic Development
- 11:15 Legislation & Intergovernmental Relations
- 11:45 Asset Management
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The committee meetings should begin at 9:30am. They will likely not strictly follow the schedule, as some committees may run longer or end sooner than scheduled.

Follow along here:…
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The Cook County Legistar page contains the agendas and more info: Click on the links under Meeting Details for more info and supporting documentation on each agenda item.
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PDF agendas 9:30am
Rules & Administration:…
Zoning & Building:…

I'll try to post the other committees' as we move along - or see for all of today's committee meeting agendas.
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Just waiting to get started.…
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The meeting has begun as of 9:38am. Roll has been called, and a quorum has been established.
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No one has signed up for public comment.
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Looks like we are starting with the Finance Committee agenda.

The committee has approved all court order agenda items on pages 1-60 of the agenda.
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The committee has approved all workers' compensation claims on pages 61-73 of the agenda.
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The committee has approved all proposed settlements on pages 73-75.
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The committee meeting minutes from 10/23/2020 are approved.
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The Zoning and Building Committee meeting has been called to order, and roll is called (quorum established).
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Zoning and Building Committee has been recessed until Finance Committee meeting is adjourned.
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The Finance Committee has approved the workers' claims compensation payment #20-4650 on page 75 of the agenda.
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It's Commissioner Lowry's birthday today. Hurrah!
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Items 20-4640, 20-3367, and 20-4639 on pages 75-76 have been approved.
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The board is discussing the comptroller's report on page 76.
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Finance Committee
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Analysis of Revenues and Expenses for the Period Ending 8/31/2020 (PDF):…
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The Health & Hospitals Committee meeting has been called to order. Roll is called (quorum established). This committee is then recessed. We're going back to the Finance Committee.
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The Finance Committee approves a "receive and file" for items 20-4666, 20-0996, and 20-4386 on page 76 of the agenda.
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The Finance Committee adjourns at 10:10am.
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The Zoning & Building Committee will be next. Agenda here (PDF):…
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Zoning & Building Committee has reconvened.
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There are 17 registered public speakers. These are all comments on item 20-4682 of page 2 of the agenda.

20-4682 is regarding a zoning change to construct a new fire station in Barrington. Neighbors of this area have submitted their objections to this zoning change.
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Objectors to 20-4682 are voicing concerns regarding increased noise, light pollution, higher EMS traffic, and impact on property values. They claim there are already a sufficient number of firehouses in the area. The neighborhood consists of single family homes.
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Objectors to 20-4682 are saying they never would have purchased a home in the area if they knew a firehouse would be built there. They are also not concerned about receiving EMS services faster, saying there are already EMS facilities in the area that respond fast enough.
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There are at least two comments in support of 20-4682, saying traffic and property values will not be significantly impacted. Also noted is reduced emergency response times. One such comment came from the President of the Barrington Countryside Fire Protection District.
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The Environment & Sustainability Committee has been called to order. Roll is called (quorum established). This committee is then recessed.
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The Business & Economic Development Committee meeting has been called to order. Roll is called (quorum established). This committee is then recessed.
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Zoning & Building Committee is reconvened.

The meeting minutes from 9/23/2020 are approved.
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20-4574 is approved.
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20-4682 is approved (this was for the Barrington firehouse).

There were no municipal objections to this proposal.

There was a study done regarding property value impact on this zoning change. This study found that there would be no or minimal effect on property values.
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Commissioners have noted they are placing public safety in approving the new Barrington firehouse. Also noted is concern over train traffic that has affected EMS response in the past. This new firehouse will apparently solve that issue.
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Agenda item 20-4683 is approved without discussion.

Agenda item 20-4332 is approved without discussion.
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The Zoning & Building Committee adjourns at 10:55am.
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The Health & Hospitals Committee meeting is reconvened.

There are no public speakers signed up.
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The minutes from the meeting of 2/26/2020 are approved.
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We are viewing slides on the Cook County Department of Public Health Quarterly Report - 2Q 2020 (PDF):…
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"Where we need to go"
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Note that, since this report was compiled at the end of August, many of the figures reported are out of date.
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CCDPH COVID-19 Contact Tracing Initiative
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All the above slides are available here:…
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COVID-19 testing capacity in Cook County is expected to expand significantly in the coming weeks. An application process for community based organizations to receive free testing kits is in the works.
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The Legislation & Intergovernmental Relations Committee is called to order. Roll is called (quorum established). The committee then recesses.
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Back on the Health & Hospitals Committee meeting, Commissioner Kevin Morrison describes his own experience with COVID-19. "This is no joke." Morrison says he felt like there was broken glass in every muscle of his body.
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Morrison says he believes he caught COVID-19 during a dinner meeting in which no masks were worn.
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The Asset Management Committee meeting is called to order. Roll is called (quorum established). The committee is then recessed.
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The Health & Hospitals Committee approves agenda item 20-1116, the CCDPH Quarterly Report for 2Q 2020.

The committee adjourns at 12:09pm.
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Environment and Sustainability Committee is reconvened. Agenda:…
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Meeting minutes from the meeting of 02/26/2020 are approved.
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Agenda item 20-4356 is approved without discussion.
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We had seen a presentation with regard to 20-4356.
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The Environment and Sustainability Committee adjourns at 12:23pm.
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The Business and Economic Development Committee reconvenes. Agenda (PDF):…

No public speakers are signed up.
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Meeting minutes from 9/23/2020 are approved.
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It appears 20-3341 has been removed from the agenda.
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Agenda item 20-4188 is approved without discussion.
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Agenda items 20-4189 and 20-4190 are approved without discussion.
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The Business & Economic Development Committee adjourns at 12:29pm.
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The Legislation and Intergovernmental Relations Committee reconvenes. Agenda (PDF):…
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President Palmer from SEIU Local 73 makes a statement regarding COVID-19's impact on the Cook County Recorder of Deeds office. There is now a backlog of tens of thousands of documents, and the office is merging with the Clerk's office. RoD employees have had to re-apply for jobs
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Recent article regarding the officers' merger:…

Publication from SEIU Local 73:…
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Palmer has asked the committee to consider the loyalty of former RoD employees in their re-applying for jobs in the merger with the Clerk's office.
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The vote on item 20-4191 regarding the final implementation plan report for the Cook County Clerk’s Office’s assumption of the Recorder of Deeds Office is being postponed pending further discussion.
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Commissioner Anaya admits a bit of frustration regarding the delay of the merger process decision, saying that previous reports had said the unions were on board with the process. As we have seen, SEIU is now in objection to the currently proposed process. Seems miscommunication
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78 RoD jobs would be lost in the merger with the Clerk's Office.
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The committee has stressed that those 78 RoD jobs are being transferred to the Clerk's Office but that RoD employees need to re-apply for those jobs.
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The meeting minutes from 09/23/2020 are approved.
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The proposed appointments 20-3431, 20-4346, and 20-4347 are being discussed. Candidates are making their cases for appointment.
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Sounds like appointments 20-3431, 20-4346, and 20-4347 will be approved by the committee. I will confirm below.
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Appointment of Joseph Harrington as Director of CCHHS Board is approved.

Appointment of Mayor Katrina Thompson to Cook County Land Bank Authority Board of Directors is approved.

Appointment of Michelle Carr to Land Bank Authority Board of Directors is approved.
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Next is the Final Implementation Plan Report for the Cook County Clerk’s Office’s Assumption of the Recorder of Deeds Office (PDF):…
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Some highlights from the report regarding the Clerk's Office assumption of the RoD Office
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Some budget figures regarding the RoD/Clerk's Office merger
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While 78 RoD jobs will be lost in the merger with the Clerk's Office, 78 total jobs will not be lost. Representatives from the Clerk's Office are saying the total number of jobs will be less. They have been asked to provide breakdowns on these figures to the committee.
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The point the Clerk's Office is making here is they are hiring in the merger process.
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If RoD employees are hired into the new positions with the Clerk's Office, the Clerk's Office says they will work to honor seniority and salary formerly held in the RoD jobs.

The Clerk's Office employees will be represented by the same labor union, SEIU.
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The committee had gotten into discussing details regarding the process of hiring former RoD employees into the Clerk's Office before deciding they were getting outside of their jurisdiction.
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Receive and file for 20-4191 is approved.

Deferral of 20-4415 is approved.
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The Legislation & Intergovernmental Relations Committee adjourns at 2:40pm.
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The Asset Management Committee reconvenes. Agenda (PDF):…
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Public comment period: A representative of Access Living commends the Department of Capital Planning and Policy on their Annual ADA Improvement Report.
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The minutes from the meeting on 01/15/2020 have been approved.
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Next, Annual ADA Improvement Report (PDF):…
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Earl Manning from the Department of Capital Planning and Policy presents
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Manning slides continued
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The Asset Management Committee
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Agenda item #20-4220 (Annual ADA Improvement Report) passes.

The Asset Management Committee adjourns at 3:00pm.
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This concludes my coverage for @CHIdocumenters. #CHIDocumenters

Please see for more information. Reply to this thread or DM me with any questions.