Return to Local School Council Advisory Board [remote]
Live reporting by William Garcia
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New grade promotion standards, trainings for LSCs, concerns over lead in schools

Bill Garcia @BillGDocumenter
Hi, I'll be live-tweeting this evening's Chicago Local School Council Advisory Board meeting for @CHIdocumenters #CHIdocumenters

05:10 PM Feb 13, 2023 CST

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Today's 6pm meeting is being held via Zoom.

Virtual meeting details are accessible on the agenda:…
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The role of the LSCAB is to advise the Chicago Board of Education on issues related to Local School Council elections, operations, powers and duties, and school improvement plans. More info:…
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I'm in the Zoom. There are 12 participants in this meeting so far.

We're about to begin. One of the board members had to go ask their husband to stop vacuuming.
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The meeting begins at 6:05pm. Thomas Gray initiates the roll call.
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There are 7 board members present, establishing a quorum.
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Froy Jimenez asks for extra time to speak regarding lead contamination risk, although it was not on the agenda. Gray says he'll find a spot on the agenda.

The updated agenda is approved by the board.
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Minutes from last board meeting (January) have been approved.
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LSCAB reviews meeting norms.
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Elizabeth Meyers is @ChiPubSchools Executive Director of Instructional Systems and Supports.

Meyers discusses some changes to grade promotion policies.
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Jimenez asks if there's a promotion policy for the other grades (not 3,6,8). Meyers says not district wide. Each school does have the final say whether to promote a student.
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Directors report comes next.

LSC meetings to go back to in-person in May 2023. It's not clear if there will be a public remote attendance option by default for all meetings.
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Student elections have recently completed. There has been student enthusiasm. One LSC only had three seats available but received 15 student applications.
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Seems there was an error with the names on the last slide. The corrected names are read during the meeting. There was only one candidate for the West Central Region.
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LSC members will be voting for one candidate
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Ten people are participating in a program to become certified trainers
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Jimenez raises concerns regarding schools at risk for lead contamination. He specifically mentions McClellan Elementary School and asks the board to contemplate how they can be proactive.

Gray asks the board to get an official agenda item or meeting set up with CPS staffer.
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Public participation is next. Anyone can raise their hand to be unmuted.
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A former LSC member asks what's the process for attending these meetings and the process for participating in the training certification.

LSCAB says these meetings are open to the public.

Trainings are not only for current LSC members. LSC members are especially welcome.
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Next orientation meeting is March 30th.
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Part of the above should read: Former* LSC members are especially welcome.
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Old Business: LSCAB needs a secretary.
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Gray is asking for nominations. You can even nominate yourself. There are no takers.

It looks like LSCAB is tabling the secretary selection until next meeting.
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New Business: None is mentioned.
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Jimenez spotted and called out some meeting infiltrators who were making some inappropriate remarks in the chat. The chat was closed.

The permissions on the meeting link and password shared in the agenda were pretty open. For example, I could share my screen and type in chat.
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The meeting adjourns around 6:58pm.
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This concludes my coverage for @CHIdocumenters. #CHIDocumenters

Please see for more information. Reply to this thread or DM me with any questions.