Return to [remote or in person; 2-5:30pm] 2025 Chicago Budget: Special City Council Meeting on Property Tax Hike
Live reporting by Natalie Frank
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From the virtual viewing of the meeting, public comment participants were barely visible, but they were audible.

Natalie Frank, Ph.D @FrankNatalie
Hi All - Today, I'll be tweeting the Special City Council Meeting on Property Tax Hike. This is a change to the schedule which had budget meetings beginning at 1:30. This meeting will consider alternates to the Mayor's proposed property tax hike. It begins at 2:00 so stay tuned

01:44 PM Nov 14, 2024 CST

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We're still waiting for the meeting to start to stay tuned.
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Meeting called to order by Mayor. Voting open for quorum roll call. Currently 45 members present in chambers. Quorum established. Other 5 participating remotely. Pledge of allegiance. Invocation.
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Public comment (maximum of 30 minutes): Included statements in opposition to bird farms due to being breeding grounds for viruses, opposition to closing additional schools, support for fully funding CTU pensions.
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Sargent of Arms being called upon to remove someone who is creating unrest with others attempting to help him. Waiting on order to be restored.
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Public comment concluded: Clerk read agenda item: Consideration of ordinance authorizing Fiscal Year 2025 Property Tax Levy. Call for vote - Note: Point of Procedure during vote - Ald. Erwin wanted to abstain. Informed by clerk this wasn't allowed if he was in the chamber.
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* I'm live tweeting for for #CHIdocumenters @CHIdocumenters
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Vote: 0 Yeas, 50 Nays. Ordinance defeated. No discussion taking place considering alternatives to the property tax hike for closing budget gap.
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Meeting adjourned at 3:15pm. This concludes coverage of the Special Chicago City Council Meeting on Property Tax Hike. The next budget meeting will be held Nov. 19 at 1:30. For more meeting coverage, check out .
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