Return to [remote or in-person; 1:30-5pm] 2025 Chicago budget hearing: Department of Procurement Services & Department of Law
Live reporting by Matthew Warakomski
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The “do not hire” list was brought up a number of times along with peace circles, in light of the recent Ronnie Reese case. Multiple alders also asked that Leigh and Jackson be referred to resources regarding issues with their properties.

Matthew Warakomski
Hi, I'll be documenting the City Council Budget hearing with the Department of Law. @CHIdocumenters Apologies for the late start of technical difficulties have led to this coming late. Time Start: 2:45 pm

10:21 PM Dec 4, 2024 CST

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Presentation: Improvements made to the Department of Law - Volunteer program established with CPS. - Received 150+ applicants for internships. - 72% of classes contain a diverse group of students. - 10+ more career fairs particularly in the 6th ward
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Revenue from C.O.A.L attorneys: - $2.1 billion collected in 2010 - $100 million collected in 2024 - (There was one more date I did not catch) C.O.A.L: Coalition of African American Leaders
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Special Collections Unit: - New unit established to prosecute owners of unattended vacant lots evading fines and legal repercussions. - Multiple Alders named as involved in the cases, seemingly as enablers. Further research required. (3:11 pm.)
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Affirmative Litigation: - $40 million in revenue collections from dodgy contractors completing unsafe construction projects. Named Contractor: Vision-Properties
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$2.7 billion in closed bond deals.
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Risk Management Initiative formed and used for DNC. No revenue mentioned.
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Use of Outside Counsel: - In-House Counsel= 95% - Outside Counsel= 5% Outside legal counsel used for dealing with heavy case loads or cases where additional expertise is needed. Ex- Medical Counsel
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Thread continued in reply.
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Aldermanic Questions. Presentation ends at 3:30 pm
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Department of Law members in the box
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Alder Mitts Questions -Cases Involving Her: Unable to disclose due to ongoing case. - Squatters: Department of Law has no jurisdiction. - Unequal home ownership: Company refusing to sell to locals is being prosecuted.
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Alder Dowell Questions Realistic Spending and Settlements FOIA Requests and how to respond to them effectively.
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Stepped out at 4:04 pm returned at 4:08 pm.
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Question regarding the worry about criminals getting money via police misconduct cases. Alder worries about incentivizing behavior leading toward such cases. Law Department disagrees with this concern.
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Alder Sigcho-Lopez Question: How to have more coordination between CPD and Inspector General Alder Lopez is concerned about the loss of money through police misconduct settlements and how to minimize. Alder Lopez says there is “a business made out of these tragedies.”
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Shift ended at 5pm. I left at 5:18pm per assignment guide lines. The meeting started late and this ran late I was unable to sit for the remainder. End of thread.