Return to [remote or in person] Regular Meeting
Live reporting by Kate Linderman
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The C​​ommunity Commission for Public Safety and Accountability (CCPSA) voted to adopt changes to how it selects new members for the Chicago Police Board.

Kate Linderman
Good evening! I’ll be live-tweeting the @CCPSA_Chicago meeting tonight starting at 6:30 p.m. for @CHIdocumenters #Chidocumenters Follow along for updates.

06:20 PM Aug 31, 2023 CDT

Kate Linderman @KateLinderman4 2/3
@CCPSA_Chicago @CHIdocumenters Here's the agenda:
Kate Linderman @KateLinderman4 3/3
@CCPSA_Chicago @CHIdocumenters The @CCPSA_Chicago has begun. 4 members are present.