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Live reporting by Rocio Villasenor
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Rocio VillaseƱor @Rose26rv
Good afternoon!šŸ™‚ Today I will be tweeting the Chicago Commission on Human Relations Monthly Board virtual meeting scheduled to begin at 3:30pm CT for @CHIdocumenters #CHIDocumenters.

01:37 PM Nov 12, 2020 CST

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The virtual meeting will be held via Zoom. Details on how to access meeting šŸ‘‡ā€¦
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The agenda for today's meeting šŸ‘‡ā€¦
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Public speakers wishing to speak before the board had the opportunity to fill out a "Speaker Request Form at least 24 hours before the meeting." & the comments are limited to three minutes.ā€¦
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Waiting for meeting to commence...
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Entered into Zoom meeting at 3:30pm.

Ken Gunn, chairperson of board, asks me and another individual to identify ourselves. We are both public members and are reporting on meeting.
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Gunn begins meeting at 3:34 pm. He reads the Illinois Open Meetings Act.
(There are 18 ppl on call)

Gloria Vu asks for quorum.
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Gunn does the approval of September meetings. Ray Koenig puts motion forward. Stephanie Kanter seconds. All approved.

Interruption by Reyahd Kazmi saying he is present.

Gunn says they will go into executive session and let us back in. They go into closed meeting at 3:37pm.
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I believe they are discussing the adjudication report item on the agenda while in closed session:
1. Adjudication Report - Karen Wallace
Mendoza v Premium Parking, LLC CCHR No. 18-E-56
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I am let back in to meeting at 3:47pm.

They put a motion forward from Commissioner Emanuel Johnson on the Mendoza case. "Award attorney fees an increase rate of $550 for one of the attorneys and remain at $250 for the other attorney. & we will calculate the totals later."-Gunn
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Gunn asks if they are all in favor? All of them in favor, none opposed.

Gunn moves on to the next item on the agenda, his commissioners report. He says it is short.

Gunn talks about how last month was pertaining to the budget, & their budget hearing was on October 28th.
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"It went pretty smoothly," he says. "All the aldermen were very supportive of our work. Had a lot of great things to say about us...It doesn't mean we are getting more money, but it's always good to hear good stuff."
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He goes into some detail about the commission's budget. He says that there is going to be a lot of cuts citywide, but the commission has "been spared that axe."

"We are losing non-personnel money, but nothing we can't manage."
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Gunn says they currently have four vacancies. He says the city is not cutting them, but does not anticipate the city allowing them to fill them until later in the year - maybe.

Gunn says, "we are not having anyone laid off, so I'm happy."
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He says most of his staff continue to work from home, and that most of them are in the office about 2 days a week - that they will continue to do that. That the office is open via appointment only for complaint filings. But they have been taking more complaints by phone & email.
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He says that some members of his office have helped other departments with work/city initiatives like contact tracing, census.

Gunn says he had Gloria Vu email members their stats on discrimination and hate crime cases.
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He said, "hate crimes continue to be low, which is a good thing." Complaints of hate crimes lower at 10%.

Gunn says they will "continue to reach out to public" and continue with investigations of complaints filed.
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Gunn adds that there have been more complaints about unemployment fraud. Shares that a couple of staff people in the commission have been victims of this.

He adds that two employees tested positive for COVID, and they did the 14-day quarantine and are fine now working.
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Says they have temperature checks when coming into building, and other precautions in place.

Gunn asks if there are any questions for him before turning it over to next item on agenda? None.
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Gunn introduces Laurence Bolotin, Executive Director of AJC Chicago, whom begins speaking about antisemitism in america, 2020. He has a presentation and shares it.
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Begins to discuss what ACJ does and how many offices are worldwide.
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Goes on to discuss "the problem of rising antisemitism in the United States."

Goes over some statistics:
- "Nearly 9 in 10 American Jews believe antisemitism is a problem in the U.S. today."

- "82% of American Jews believe antisemitism has increased over the past five years."
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He goes over some recent antisemitism public incidents in the past two years.
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Goes over some more statistics:
- "More than 1 in 3 American Jews have been the targets of antisemitism, both online and offline, over the past five years."
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- "1 in 4 American Jews have avoided publicly wearing, carrying, or displaying things that might help people identify them as Jews over the past two years."
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Shares that they had an event "Jewish and Proud" event in front of the bean earlier this year, January.ā€¦ā€¦
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Goes on to share an AJC survey results of the general public on "familiarity with the term Antisemitism."

- "53% heard of it and knows what it means"
- "25% heard of it, but unsure what it means"
- "21% never heard of the term"
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The next survey results question was shared:
"Is antisemitism a problem in America today?"

-63% of General Public said yes
-33% of General Public said no

compared to:

-88% of American Jews said yes
-11% of American Jews said no
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He continues to shares survey results.
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Says that there has been an increase in antisemitic hate crime in Chicago. Jews comprise only 4% of Chicago's population, "but were the targets of 81% of all religion-motivated hate crimes last year, an increase of 70% over 2018."
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Shares that he and Jason Rosensweig, Assistant Director of AJC Chicago, wrote an op-Ed in Crain.ā€¦
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Bolotin says Rosensweig will discuss second part of presentation: "The IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism as a resource that can help."

Rosensweig goes over the importance of needing a definition.
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He continues with the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, IHRA, working definition, and how it is a global standard.
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Here is the IHRA working definition of Antisemitism:
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He goes over some examples of illustrations of the working definition that deal with conspiracy theories. He also goes over other examples "defining when criticism of Israel is Antisemitic."
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Rosensweig goes over how Chicago can consider "endorsing IHRA working definition as a tool" for the city. Like the pros and cons.
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He adds that the draft resolution for the board's consideration can be accessed at:ā€¦
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They finish their presentation at 4:13pm. Ask if there are any questions.

Gunn thanks them both for their presentation. Asks if there are any questions from board members?
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Naderh Elrabadi, she is a member of the Arabic American Bar Association, has question "if they have coalitions with Arab Americans or Palestinian Americans within Chicago to promote AJC's platform with eradicating antisemitism within the city?"
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Bolotin answers question. He says "nationally, AJC has a Muslim Jewish Advisory Council. & Chicago is in the process of becoming the 10th regional office to also have a Muslim Jewish Advisory Council."

Adds they recently held 3 virtual meetings with leaders in Muslim community,
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and Jewish community. The council will bring communities together to advocate on issues they can work together on.

Adds that "hate crimes is an issue both communities should be advocating together on."

Says the should have the council formalized by beginning of 2021.
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With coalition building they have many partnerships with organizations in the Chicago-area. Rosensweig adds that they have interactions with Illinois Muslim Civic Coalition & the Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom.
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*Note there's a chat message from Kazmi- he has to leave. Another meeting.*

Elrabadi thanks them for their answer.

Gunn asks anyone else have a question? None.
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Gunn speaks about hate crimes and the working definition. He says "people have different ideas of what antisemitism is."

"This is a good tool for education. And it something we would like to support..."
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Gunn says he would like to hear from the board, what do they think?

Emanuel Johnson says he'll chime in. Thanks them for raising awareness. Adds that he learned a lot. Says he wants to build a relationship between the Jewish community and black community.
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Ray Koenig says he will support this. He asks Gunn, "what kind of motion are you looking for?"

Gunn says they will look at the resolution. And then bring it back at the next meeting.

Support from other members on bringing it back at next meeting.
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Stephanie Kanter chimes in and says, "It will be great. Look forward to reading the proposed resolution & I think it is important, especially as we reconnect to our broader work to make sure this is something people are aware of across communities."
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Gunn begins to speak, but Kazmi interrupts and says he is sorry. His meeting was moved to 4:30. Asks if presentation will be shared? They say yes.
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Kazmi said he shocked & surprised about the facts. "Don't really hear about some of the things...unless it is drastic like a shooting or massacre."

Rosensweig and Bolotin say they will share other information with board like pdf survey data.
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David Mussatt has a question about defining terms. "Have you seen other municipalities or states that might have done this? Has this been used for good or for positive/negative reasons where discrimination is brought up?"
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Mussatt's other question is about, "does the definition cover the historic impact of discrimination or the less obvious forms of discrimination antisemitism...?"
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Bolotin speaks on the definition. "It is used as an education tool and resource. We have seen many communities use this to train law enforcement, folks in education to understand what to look for when there's issue of antisemitism that occur in communities."
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Rosensweig says it is still too early to gives examples within the U.S. since it has been within the last year. But gives some examples from Europe who have been using this definition for a few more years. That he will share with Mussatt.
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He adds it does not require law enforcement to use it in investigations, but it recently was used by the FBI & U.S. Attorney's office. Emphasizes it is an optional tool for law enforcement.
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Gunn asks if there are any other questions? None. Gunn thanks them.

Asks if there are any old or new business?
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Gunn says, "the new advisory councils are starting to get up and running; they are starting a meeting- they will be mornings...Stay tuned for that."

"Continue to work with mayor's office on the councils."

Asks if there are any last items? None.
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Gunn adds the December meeting will be short because of the holidays. He adjourns meeting. Meeting ends at 4:25pm.

Thanks for following along! Have a good evening and weekend! šŸ™‚
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For more information about this meeting and notes from another documenter. Please look herešŸ‘‡ā€¦