Return to HDC, Regular Historic District Commission Meeting
Live reporting by Jack Filbrandt
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Board approves upgrades to Aretha Franklin Amphitheater and Ossian Sweet House.

Jack Filbrandt @JackFilbrandt
Hello! I’ll be live-tweeting today's Historic Detroit Commission at 5:30 p.m. for #DETdocumenters. @DetDocumenters media partners: @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @MichiganRadio @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit

04:27 PM Mar 8, 2023 CST

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Last time I welcomed @MichiganRadio to the #DETdocumenters team and this time I’m welcoming @wxyzdetroit — our first television partner. Learn more about the collaboration below.…
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If you’re interested in joining the meeting or want to learn more about the Historic Detroit Commission visit their website.…
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We're starting the meeting at 5:36 p.m.
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Most of today’s meeting will be the commission reviewing applications for changes to the exterior of homes located in historic districts. Here’s more information on the commission's process.…
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I’ll be posting direct links to the city’s website about each project being reviewed, but I also recommend you check out this cool map. Type in any address to see if it’s in a historic district.…
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New commissioners Andrea Simmons and Najahyia Chinchilla introduced themselves. Simmons is attending virtually, but not voting, due to a prior commitment. They both live in Historic Districts.
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The first application under review is 15083 Minock St, located in the Rosedale Park Historic District.…
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What's in question with the 15083 Minock property is the size of the addition and how it compares to other homes in the neighborhood.
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This isn't the first time the Minock street project has been reviewed. Commissioners have made several comments that this new presentation took into account their last critiques.
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The 15083 Minock application is approved by the commission.
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The next application under review is 2285 Atkinson…
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The applicants seek to build a detached garage at the home. The plan is for the garage to have vinyl siding, but the commission would like it to be built with a material that better fits the historic district.
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The next project under review is 269 Watson in the Brush Park Historic District…
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Historic District Staff has noted several compliance issues with work being completed before approval from the commission. The staff finds the work does not meet secretary interior standards because it altered the homes original features.
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Work completed in violation of the Historic Commission includes removing a garage, reconstructing a side porch, and installing a fence.
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The reason given to the historic commission by a woman representing the property owner is that he wanted to complete the work before the cold weather.
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This project has been denied due to changes that alter home's original features, specifically its porch.
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Work to complete the fence and downspouts following the commissions alterations to the project was approved
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The next application under review is 1427 Randolph in the Madison Harmonie Historic District…
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The commissions main criticism is the proposed airlock of that would be constructed on the exterior of the building. You'd enter the small vestibule before continuing through a door to the rest of the building. This application was approved 3-2.
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The next application is 1407 Randolph, right next door to 1427 Randolph and the same owner.…
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This application was approved.
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The next application under review is 1133 & 1145 Griswold St…
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This is project was approved. It's an extensive rehabilitation of the building.
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The next project under review is 2905 Garland, the Ossian Sweet House.…
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Here's the complete project for rehabilitation of the Ossian Sweet House.…
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A Historic District staff member said this project is a focus of Mayor Duggan and something he hopes to see completed by the end of the year.
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Alex Grabowski is working on the project for the city and said he's honored to be a part of rehabilitating this historic home.
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The Sweet home has an enclosed side porch and the Historic District has made an effort to determine if this was original to the home or a later addition.
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The Ossian Sweet House project is approved.
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Now we're reviewing the application for 2200 (2600) East Atwater Street, better known as the Aretha Franklin Amphitheater…
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The original plan presented would have removed a large area of pine trees at the amphitheater. They'll only be removing younger trees that are being impacted by disease.
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Vegetation and plants will be introduced that were original to the amphitheater's design.
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The proposed project would remove cement pylons with signs that give directions around the venue. These would be replace with larger pylons and new signing.
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A new project will replace windows at the amphitheater's administration building. This was approved by the commission.
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We've now moved onto the part of the meeting that involves projects not subject to public hearing. The first project being presented is 761 Whitmore Street.…
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The 761 Whitmore Project was approved.
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We're on to 7908-7912 St. Paul…
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The owner seeks to replace windows in the home but a closer review of their condition is recommended by the Historic District staff. The project was approved with conditions set by the commission.
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Now under review is 511 Woodward. This was a late addition and added to an updated agenda. Here's the project that was approved.…
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We're now looking at 2475 Chicago and the owner is looking to replace windows in the home.…
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Commission is recommending an expert look at the window to see if they can be winterized. The owner thinks repairing the window is an "excessive demand" opposed to replacing them.
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"These windows look repairable to me and we've yet to see a cost estimate from an expert," a commissioner said regarding the proposed project.
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We've now entered a spirited conversation over preserving windows. After a several minute long back and forth with the owner, he was advised by a commissioner to stop interrupting the board or he'd be asked to leave.
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The project for 2475 Chicago St was denied.
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Vinyl window signs will be added at 267 E. Grand River…
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The last project is 1652 Edison and it was approved.…
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Commissioner Tiffany Franklin was unanimously approved as chair and Commissioner Allan Machielse as vice chair.
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The meeting is adjourned at 9:57 pm.
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I'm signing off on my end! Thanks for following along. Is something inaccurate? Email with the subject “Correction Request.”
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As always, check out all the other work and reporting from @DetDocumenters!