Return to Candidate Forum – Northside College Preparatory High School
Live reporting by Ebony Ellis
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Ebony Ellis @Eb_Writes26
Hi there! I'll be covering this evening's Local School Council's Candidate Forum for Northside College Preparatory High School.

06:01 PM Oct 20, 2020 CDT

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The purpose of this meeting is to learn more about the candidates for the upcoming Local School Council (LSC) election for Northside College Prep.
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The candidates are taking time out to introduce themselves and talk about their background with the high school and their hopes for joining the LSC.
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Candidates are provided with two minutes to speak. Among candidates are Erika Schechter, Bradley Hack, Sandra Morales-Mirque, John Lynch, Shari Massey, and Lisa Barrow.
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I forgot to mention that these are the parent candidates for the LSC.
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There were 21 participants on this call.
"This has been one of the largest turnouts that we've ever had for an LSC meeting," according to Kelly Mest, Principal for Northside College Prep.
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The actual LSC meeting will begin at 6:30pm in another zoom call.
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Chalkbeat Chicago, in partnership with City Bureau's Documenters program, is covering this year's Local School Council elections. If you're interested in speaking with a reporter further about your school's election, either on or off the record... (continued)
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please fill in the sheet below.…